The ETSI Board RISE group has the remit to optimize the flow of information and capture of innovative technology ideas between the research & innovation and Standardization communities.
We have initiated many actions to cooperate/communicate with several EC and National research funding and coordination platforms (H.2020 / H.Europe / SNS JU / 5G-PPP / 6G-IA/ NetworldEurope) and individual projects (such as HEXA-X) and several others.
Our latest initiative is to invite our research / academic members, our members working with innovative research, our Partners and others in the ICT community to complete the following ETSI Research and Innovation Survey.
The purpose of this survey is to collect feedback from the research & innovation community in order to identify enablers and eventual barriers to bringing research results through standardization and onto global market deployments
The desired outcome is to identify where ETSI may introduce new actions, services and tools to better serve the research & innovation community and optimize the onboarding of research results from EC / National / private research activities.
The survey
The link to the survey is available here >>>
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