The 5G-SMART project is organizing a webinar entitled “5G TSN deployment model and time synchronization aspects” on 29 January, 2021 at 3 pm CET with 90 minutes duration.
- Book your agenda for this event and register your anticipated participation here.
- Details for the webinar link will be given on the 27th of January.
Abstract: 5G supports wireless ultra-reliable low latency communication (URLLC) and has introduced new architectural options such as standalone non-public networks and public network integrated non-public network (PNI-NPN) to enable smart manufacturing use cases. 5G standardization has specified interworking of 5G with TSN so that 5G acts as virtual 5G TSN bridge in a TSN network. This allows to support TSN-based time-critical communication in an integrated 5G-TSN network, including time synchronization. This webinar presents how 5G can be deployed together with TSN for industrial automation, by looking into specific manufacturing use cases. These include advanced industrial robotics controlled from the cloud, communication between industrial controllers, the centralized control of an AGV fleet, and adaptive production based on real-time monitoring of the production process. Further, 5G time synchronization deployment aspects are presented.
Below are the webinar speakers:
- Dr. Joachim Sachs (Ericsson) is a Senior Expert at Ericsson Research in Stockholm, and coordinates research activities on 5G for industrial Internet of Things solutions and cross-industry research collaborations. After studies in Germany, Norway, France and Scotland he received a diploma degree in electrical engineering from Aachen University (RWTH), Germany, and a PhD degree from the Technical University of Berlin. He joined Ericsson in 1997 and has worked on a variety of topics in the area of wireless communication systems, and has contributed to the standardization of 3G, 4G and 5G. Since 1995 he has been active in the IEEE and the German VDE Information Technology Society (ITG), where he is currently co-chair of the technical committee on communication networks. In 2009 he was a visiting scholar at Stanford University, USA. Dr. Sachs was a recipient of the Ericsson Inventor of the Year award in 2006, and in 2010 he received the research award of the Vodafone foundation for scientific research.
- Dr. Daniel Philip Venmani (Orange) is a senior research and standardization engineer at Orange Labs, Lannion. His primary research activities focus towards the development of future mobile transport networks, recently focusing on 5G end-to-end connectivity network architectures. He is very actively involved in Standardization activities – representing Orange at ITU‐T Study Group 15 – Question 13 (Network Synchronization and Time Distribution Performance group), Question 12 (Transport Network Architecture Group), IEEE1588, IEEE802.1, O-RAN WG9 etc. He has been involved in several EU funded research projects over the years and has published his research results in several renounced conferences and journals (IEEE ComMag., IEEE Globecom, ACM MobiCoM, etc)). He obtained his Ph.D from UPMC-Paris VI (France).
The vision of the 5G-SMART project (www.5gsmart.eu) is to empower Europe’s manufacturing sector with 5G solutions by integrating 5G in the manufacturing ecosystem, resulting in an accelerated digital transformation. This is done within the project by demonstrating and validating 5G in real-world factory setups, exploring the roles of mobile network operators and new business models as well as developing new 5G features targeting the manufacturing sector. 5G-SMART lead by Ericsson brings together a strong consortium of partners involved in every aspect of the manufacturing ecosystem.
Please feel free to further distribute this information to interested colleagues.
Thank you for your anticipated participation!
Link for the registration: https://forms.gle/dr6JETBqxbRwx1wK8