Welcome to the second in a planned series of 5GCroco Lunchtime Webinars. These webinars will address different aspects of the technical work of the 5GCroco project in detail with some time for questions and discussions on the work presented.
Section 3.3.5 of the recently published 5GCroCo Deliverable D3.1 on “Final Application Architecture” explains the challenges and solutions for interoperability around the Anticipated Cooperative Collision Avoidance (ACCA) use case. This use case serves as example to uncover challenges if information, in this case hazard warnings, must be shared between different automotive OEMs and between OEMs and different Road Traffic Authorities (RTAs).
“Standardization” is often considered necessary in this context.
This presentation introduces the current and near-future eco-system of information sharing for connected vehicles. It describes how different solutions, beyond everyone just following the same standard, can be used to achieve service-level interoperability among different ITS systems and stakeholders. For each solution, involved stakeholders are identified and their respective effort to establish and maintain (evolve / upgrade) the interoperability solution.
The slides can be downloaded here.
Maciej Muehleisen received his PhD on “Voice over LTE” from RWTH Aachen University in 2015 and worked as a group leader for vehicular communication at Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH) from 2012 until 2016 focusing on highly reliable aircraft and maritime networks.
He is with Ericsson Research since 2017 and leads the architecture work package of the EU funded 5GCroCo projects on 5G for CCAM in cross-border environments. where he also serves as deputy Technical Coordinator. As “Industry Verticals Coordination” in the Research Area “Networks” he is furthermore supporting the technical coordination of Ericsson’s efforts in the Automotive Edge Computing Association (AECC) and 5G Automotive Association (5GAA).
His key research interest is in end-to-end design, evaluation, and approval of safety critical communication services.