Latest 5G top news
EuCNC & 6G Summit 2023 highlights |
The 2023 EuCNC & 6G Summit was an exciting event that combined the highly successful conferences of EuCNC and the 6G Summit. It took place from June 6th to 9th in the city of Gothenburg, Sweden, and served as a hub for telecommunications professionals from around the world. Supported by the European Commission and sponsored by prestigious organizations like IEEE ComSoc, EURASIP, and EurAAP, the summit covered a wide range of telecom topics, from 5G deployment to future communications systems and networks. The event attracted renowned industry experts, cutting-edge researchers, more than 1,300 delegates from over 40 countries and more than 70 exhibitors. It featured engaging presentations, enlightening discussions, and a technology exhibition that showcased innovations from EU R&I projects. Many 5G PPP and SNS proejcts had a booth including 5G-BLUEPRINT, 5G-EPICENTRE, 5GMediaHUB, 5G-STARDUST, 5G-VICTORI, 6G-BRAINS, 6G-BRICKS, ARIADNE, DAEMON, DEDICAT 6G, FIDAL, HEXA-X and HEXA-X-II, MARSAL, TRIALSNET, TERAWAY, TERAFLOW… 5GRAIL, 5G-ROUTES and 5GMED held a joint booth. The next edition will take place in Antwerp, Belgium in June 2024. Highlights of 𝐃𝐚𝐲 1: – «The 6G series workshop by Hexa X and Hexa-X-II» session hosted Colin Willcock, Chairman of The Board of the Smart Networks and Service Joint Undertaking and 6G IA Chair, who presented an «European Vision for 6G networks» and explained why “6G is that critical component to finally tackle the societal challenges of our time”. – ETHER project, 6G-NTN, 6G-SANDBOX, and 5G-STARDUST presented their projects at the «Aligning European NTN Convergence and Integration» session, which also provided an overview on how the various initiatives can all contribute to a coherent strategy to achieve NTN/TN convergence in Europe. – The workshop «Empowering Transatlantic Platforms for 5G Advanced and 6G Network» moderated by Serge Fdida, Profesor atSorbonne Université, featured a presentation from SNS Phase 1 Stream C projects platforms and targeted use-cases by Kostas Trichias, from 6G IA and SNS ICE Project Coordinator. Some more compelling workshops featured «Exploring the Intersection of 6G and AI: Unleashing the Potential of Next-Gen Technologies» as well as «Measuring societal value impact in 6G with KVIs», a workshop organised by Gustav Wikström from Ericsson Research. It was a very nice event, with useful discussions and an engaged audience. KVIs is now a quite well-established concept which many use, albeit without really knowing what it means or how to make use of it. It was mentioned in many presentations as important, and many speakers referred to the working group and the topic. Highlights of Day 2: – Opening Session: Welcome Address by Pearse O’Donohue, from DGConnect, who emphasised the importance of hardwiring the development of 6G technologies with European values. he was joined on stage by Magnus Frodigh, Vice President & Head of Research, Ericsson; Håkan Eriksson, First Deputy Lord Mayor Gothenburg; and Lead Organiser Tommy Svensson (Chalmers University of Technology). – David Kennedy, from Eurescom, led the conversation on «5G PPP – The value generated for Europe», discussing how to identify common trends, the importance of collaboration activities and the proposal on forthcoming SNS Working Groups. He was joined on stage by Colin Willcock (6G-IA), Dan Warren (Network Research at Samsung), Didier Bourse (European R&I Programs at Nokia), Peter Stuckmann (SNS JU), Pavlos Fournogerakis (DGConnect) and Alexandros Kaloxylos (6G-IA). – Chiara Mazzone (SNS JU Office) discussed Sustainability and how “Science-based evidence is crucial to support policymakers in adopting green digital solutions”. She was a key speaker in the WiTaR session «Women in Telecommunication and Research expressing that “the sector needs to do more for female representation across the industry” and sharing her thoughts on how this can be enabled. Overall, the session motivated the audience to join this initiative and contribute to change. Highlights of Day 3: – Pavlos Fournogerakis and Colin Willcock (6G-IA) kicked off the session “SNS: A European collaborative initiative with a strong vertical impact on a global level”, where they explained key strategic objectives, the importance of the adoption of the results at European level, as well as the different streams and the 35 SNS JU Phase 1 projects which started in January 2023. The session was followed by a very interesting panel discussion chaired by Konstantinos Trichias from 6G-IA, discussing current activities taking place at European level (national level and HEU Partnerships) and Vertical users. – Colin Willcock (6G IA) led the session “The path to 6G standardisation“ where he underlined why “leveraging the results of 6G SNS projects into standardisation is a core part of the 6G SNS mission, and must be taken into consideration from day 1”. This was followed by a panel discussion in which a special guest joined on stage – Bernard Barani, formerly being with DGConnect. – Pernilla Bergmark, Principal Researcher ICT Sustainability Impacts at Ericsson, explained what to expect from a sustainable 6G network, including stricter sustainability communication frameworks; a more decentralised, load adaptive electricity grid; more focus on impacts of materials; and social impact. The recordings of all plenary sessions are available here. Photos of the conference are available here. Check the Announcement of the upcoming EuCNC & 6G Summit 2024 in Antwerp, Belgium |
New 6G book led by the 5G PPP Architecture Working
Capitalizing on the 5G Public-Private-Partnership (5G PPP) Phase 3 projects and the join efforts between the Architecture Working Group and the flagship Hexa-X project, this book delves into the critical challenges and enablers of the 6G system, including new network architectures and novel enhancements as well as the role of regulators, network operators, industry players, application developers, and end-users. Accordingly, this book provides a comprehensive overview of the current research activities on 6G and sets a solid cornerstone towards a more connected, intelligent, and sustainable world. The book is available free of charge from 6 June 2023 here. You can also find it here. |
Passing the torch: From 5G PPP to the SNS JU era |
![]() The SNS JU specifically takes up the work from the 5G PPP and supports work beyond 5G and towards 6G Smart Networks and Services. As there are clear benefits of capturing the synergies in this short period of overlap between the two major Initiatives, the 6G Industry Association organized a webinar on May 25 to start orchestrating the inter project activities of both initiatives and see what can evolve. Peter Stuckmann (SNS JU office) reminded of the early times of the 5G PPP initiative and its three different phases and of its governance at the center of NetWorld Europe, 6G-IA, and of the European Commission. He acknowledged the fact that the 5G PPP (93 proejcts, 3 phases, start in 2014) was successful and that a smooth transition to SNS JU was needed and logical. Success came thanks to cooperation between projects and institutions. This culture has grown up since early 5G PPP days and need to continue and further expand. With SNS JU, cooperation should also be broader than in 5G PPP to follow networks’ technical evolution and evolution of the society. Peter stressed the fact that societal challenges have to be taken into account in SNS JU. At the same time, overlaps should be avoided in designing the new programme. Peter then presented an overview of the 6G SNS JU. For Colin Willcock 6G-IA Chair, the two programs are quite similar but separated, without any legal links between the two. Many ideas, initiatives can be transferred to SNS JU, especially what was achieved with trials and led to major results (to be found on the 5G PPP website, key achievements, 700 beneficiaries, 40 White Papers, 445 innovations…). The global structure (Technology and Steering boards) can also be reused in SNS JU (3 phases, up to 2030, 4 streams, 1.8 billion EUR, start in January 2023). The SNS JU governance was shown with a Steering Board (SB), a Technology Board (TB) and Working Groups (WG) as in 5G PPP. The main innovation lies in the creation of the SNS Office, the creation of a new type of WG and the Collaboration Agreement (CA) which lays out the way of working, obligations and benefits of all SNS beneficiaries. There should be three types of WGs instead of two in 5G PPP. Discussions are still ongoing on WGs. The strategic WGs will be linked to the SNS governance (the SNS project WGs will be linked to the SB and the 6G-IA WGs will again be linked directly to 6G-IA). The CA covers legal aspects. Beyond these aspects, the idea is to form a community to work together. It has been circulated to all projects to be signed by all beneficiaries. On e 70% of SNS JU beneficiaries have signed the CA, the collaboration bodies (the Steering Board, and the Technology board) may be set up. Daniel Warren (SB chair) and Mikael Fallgren (TB chair) explained how they will close the SB/TB before the end of 2023. They also highlighted transferrable good practices mainly involving smooth cooperation between projects and entities which hled to major results (reference figures, key achievements 3.2, White Papers…). In the end, they shared some ideas for the new SB and TB under SNS JU. WGs chairs then presented their achievements and results and views on WGs under the SNS JU; They particularly stressed cooperation as a key success factor and listed very practical lessons learned by their WGs. Pavlos Fournogerakis from the Commission concluded by underlining the importance of a continuous work to make the transition happen fast and in an operational way. He thanked WGs chairs for their feedbacks and stressed that an excellent work was performed under 5G PPP giving SNS JU to build and leverage on lessons learned and past experiences. Read more and download the slides here: |
Report in 5G/6G Member States initiatives |
![]() It highlights the various activities promoted by Member States, Associated countries and Candidate Countries which are relevant for the deployment of 5G communications networks and their evolution “Beyond 5G” towards “6G” networks. The report focus on activities stimulated by National and Regional Ministres, Public Agencies, Regulatory Bodies and cities. Click here to download the report. |
5G4CAM Brochure |
![]() This brochure aims at providing an updated schematic and visual summary of the key use cases, key performance indicators, and tests and pilots being conducted in the context of research and innovation projects funded by 5G-PPP, which contribute to enabling efficient and reliable 5G-V2X communications for CAM. It is based on the first issue of this brochure, which was published in May 2021. This updated version reflects on the lessons learnt from recently finished ICT-18 call CAM projects in 2022, plus updates from the ongoing ones under the 5G-PPP programme, such as the ICT-53 call projects. |
Survey on 5G-IANA’s Automotive Open Experimental Platform |
![]() It will take 3 minutes at most! Please participate in the survey here. |
Lithuanian 5G Sandbox initiative: 2 Calls |
You can find here Ministry of Transport and Communications Sandbox initiative gaining momentum: EUR 24.5 million in support secured for promoting 5G-based innovation | Ministry of Transport and Communications ( : a press release on the Sandbox initiative from the Ministry of Transport and Communications of Lithuania.
The first Sandbox initiative, for which EUR 23.5 million in support has been allocated, is designed for consortia made up of private and public legal entities engaged in economic activities and higher education and research institutions. The maximum amount of support for one project is EUR 3 million. The second Sandbox initiative is for start-ups – micro and small enterprises that have been registered with the Register of Legal Entities for no more than five years. The maximum amount of funding for one project is EUR 50,000. Applications can be submitted until 31 July. For questions on the calls, you can contact Jurgita Rimkuviene (Cc), who is the 5G Sandbox Project Manager. |
Smart5Grid: deliverable 3.3 “open network applications repository” |
![]() A key component of this platform is the Open Service Repository (OSR), which stores Network Apps, Network Services (NSs), Virtual Network Functions (VNFs), Virtual Deployment Units (VDUs), and images. This report focuses on Task 3.2 “Open Service Repository” and the development of the Platform User Interface. It provides an overview of similar software services in the market and presents the strengths and functionality of the OSR. The report also includes the Network App information model (IM), explaining its structure and compatibility with the OSR. Detailed explanations of the OSR’s internal and external communications, along with technological decisions, implementation, deployment, testing, and CI/CD methods, are provided. The deliverable is available here. |
Hexa-X: New deliverable focused on final 6G architectural enablers and technological solutions |
Hexa-X announced the release of its latest research deliverable, D5.3, from Hexa-X Project’s Work Package 5 (WP5) focused on “Final 6G architectural enablers and technological solutions“.
In this deliverable, Hexa-X develops and evaluates different AI/ML and programmability frameworks, and how these frameworks can be exposed and coordinated with each other. Further on, the project develops and evaluates several enablers for the flexible networks design, with focus coverage extension solutions such as mesh ad hoc networks and NTN. Finally, Xexa-X describes a possible 6G architecture with more flexibility and fewer interfaces and processing points. Also, they propose a method on how to perform a qualitative TCO analysis of a 6G network. The deliverable reflects the work done in WP5 from month 22 (Oct. 2022) until month 28 (April 2023), according to the project execution plan. More information available on Hexa-X website.
European Cybersecurity Organisation General Assembly held |
![]() In the morning General Assembly session, there were presentations from all ECSO Working Groups on their activities, information on EU cybersecurity policies and information on how Members can take part in the ongoing Working Groups. A recently awarded project of ECSO was presented, namely the ECCO Project with the European Cybersecurity Competence Centre/DG Connect, whose aim is to build and foster a European cybersecurity community. ECSO members in attendance, including Thales, Orange, South East Technological University (SETU), and many others have been actively involved in the 5G IA/6G IA Security Work Group and the cross-over work in ECSO. The high-level event in the afternoon addressed two key themes: “Looking at the horizon of cyber tech trends” and “Cybersecure workforce – addressing gaps, preparing for the future “, which envelope cybersecurity’s dynamic and evolving reality. The agenda of the high- level event is available here. |
SCoDIHNet monthly news |
![]() The Smart Connectivity DIH Network has mainly worked on the following topics 1/ Coordination with other Thematic sub-network in order to synchronise our services offered to DIHs but also with the Digital Transformation Accelerator. The action regarding the collection of services offered to DIHs is going on as well as the elaboration of a presentation that will be given to DG CONNECT / A4 early in July 2/ The Digital Transformation Accelerator Annual event took place 31st May 1st June in Brussels ( where most of the 300 EDIHs were participating with a number of networking sessions. One of the sessions addressed the network of DIHs and shows the need to establish cooperation between DIHs in order to share best practices and to replicate success stories. This is the raison d’être of the Thematic sub-networks which are seen as complementary to the Digital Transformation Accelerator. 3/ The replicability assessment tool white paper and tool has been published 1st June, I webinar is organised on the 27th June in order to make a presentation and to show to the Community how it works and what will be the next steps. 4/ Collection of DIHs operational issues: This activity launched recently is focusing on 3 main points:
The idea is to open a white paper to describe possible solutions and to collect best practices and success stories. |
A 6G Vision: 3GPP Release 19 & Vertical Industries Requirements webinarOnline event – 20 July 2023, 10:30-12:00 CEST |
By bringing together representatives from various vertical industries, the webinar will delve into defining thoughts, ideas, and requirements for 3GPP release 19 from the verticals’ perspective. This collaborative effort will ensure that the 5G system continues to meet the evolving needs of different industries while paving the way for the future advancements of 6G. During the webinar, the ongoing studies for 3GPP release 19 and the additional capabilities of the 5G system will also be explored. These provide insights into the future of 5G and offer guidance on the capabilities that the 6G system needs to encompass. Don’t miss this opportunity to join a dynamic discussion on the 5G-6G trajectories. Register now here. |
IWAPS workshop in the Context of ARES 2023Benevento, Italy – 29 August – 1st September, 2023 |
The “3rd International Workshop on Advances on Privacy Preserving Technologies and Solutions” IWAPS 2023, will happen in the context of ARES 2023. The 2023 IWAPS will bring together researchers, engineers, and practitioners to present and discuss latest advances and innovations in theories, infrastructure, schemes, and applications for secure computation, privacy technologies, security economics, human computer interaction, as well as to identify emerging research topics and define the future trends. The ARES conference will take place in Benevento, Italy during August 29 – September 01, 2023 period. The workshop is co-organized from the following European Commission (Horizon 2020 Programme) projects: SECONDO |
IEEE IDAACS 2023 Workshop “Beyond 5G and 6G Networks Technologies and Security”Dortmund, Germany – 7-9 September, 2023 |
You are invited to 12th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Data Acquisition and Advanced Computing Systems: Technology and Applications 2023 and the workshop “Beyond 5G and 6G Networks Technologies and Security”. This Workshop will cover the innovative technologies that have been studied in various research projects as well as standardized by 3GPP in Rel 16 and Rel 17. The Workshop will encourage the submission of papers studying the status of beyond 5G and 6G networks research and commercial deployment of 5G networks in order to assess how this relates to the current 6G vision. Please click here for more information and for the invitation.
Deadline for paper submission: May 2, 2023
Main topics at this event will be:
6G-IA Full members Call for papers – 9th IEEE World Forum on the Internet of Things (WF-IoT 2023)Aveiro, Portugal – 12-27 October, 2023 |
The 9th IEEE World Forum on the Internet of Things (WF-IoT 2023) seeks submissions and proposals for original technical papers and presentations that address the Internet of Things (IoT), its theoretical and technological building blocks, the applications that drive the growth and evolution of IoT, operational considerations, experimentation, experiences from deployments, and the impacts of IoT on consumers, the research community, the public sector, and commercial verticals. The theme for WFIoT2023 is “The Blue Planet: A Marriage of Sea and Space”, encouraging the submissions of content aimed at exploring how IoT technologies, applications, and solutions relying on a wide ecosystem spanning space, aerial, ground, and maritime networks and harnessing the latest emerging technological trends can be leveraged for the benefit of society and humanity. Papers should address, but are not limited to, the following high-level topics: Application and Use Cases
Paper submissions for Peer-Reviewed Technical Papers are due on 18 June 2023. All accepted Peer-Reviewed Technical Papers will be included in the proceedings (IEEE Xplore). For more information, visit the IEEE WF-IoT 2023 Website:
TECHNICAL PROGRAM COMMITTEE CO-CHAIRS Professor Augusto Casaca, INESC-ID/ INESC INOV, Lisboa, Portugal Assoc. Professor Ahmed Abdelgawad, Central Michigan University, Mount Pleasant Michigan, USA Professor James Bellingham, Director, Institute for Assured Autonomy, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD USA: Professor Tony Q.S. Quek, Singapore University of Technology and Design, Singapore GENERAL CO-CHAIRS Rui Aguiar, Head of Networks and Services, Instituto de Telecomunication/Universidade de Aveiro, Aveiro, Portugal. Adam Drobot, Chairman, OpenTechWorks Inc., Wayne PA, USA
The conference will be conducted virtually live online and in person in Aveiro, Portugal, in October 2023. For conference updates, please visit our website: |
9th IEEE World Forum on Internet of ThingsAveiro, Portugal – 12 – 27 October, 2023 |
The 9th IEEE World Forum on Internet of Things (IEEE WFIoT2023) is the premier event of the IEEE IoT Technical Community, a multiple Society initiative aggregating the wide expertise inherent to the IoT domain. This year, the theme for WFIoT 2023 is “The Blue Planet: A Marriage of Sea and Space”. The forum consists of a comprehensive and interesting program that brings the latest developments from industry and business world, the most influential individuals from across the breath of the IoT ecosystem, news of significant innovations and advances from the research and academic community, as well as practitioners and end-users sharing their experiences on the successes and challenges of IoT deployments. The World Forum’s ninth edition will feature presentations and panels addressing how the sea and space are great domains for IoT. It will also explore how IoT technologies, applications, and solutions rely on a wide ecosystem spanning space, aerial, ground, and maritime networks and harnessing the latest emerging technological trends which can be leveraged for the benefit of society and humanity. Overall the World Forum will consist of: • Plenary Program 12-27 October 2023 // Aveiro, Portugal |
The 2023 IEEE GLOBECOM will be held at Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 4-8 December 2023. Themed “Intelligent Communications for Shared Prosperity,” the conference will offer five full days of original paper presentations, tutorials, workshops, industry program with keynotes and panels from prominent research, industry and government leaders, business and industry panels, and technological exhibits. In addition to exciting technical symposia, tutorials, industry panels and exhibitions, we solicit proposals for half-day or full-day workshops, to be held on 4 or 8 December 2023. The aim of the conference workshops is to emphasize emerging topics that are not specifically covered in the main symposia. Each workshop may include a mix of regular papers, invited presentations, keynotes and panels that encourage the participation of attendees in active discussion. Please address your questions to Workshop Program Co-Chairs Yacine Ghamri-Doudane, Guanyi Liu, Christos Verikoukis.
== Workshop Program Co-Chairs ==
== Recommended Outline of Proposals == The proposal should concisely and clearly describe the content and objectives of the workshop, and must include (maximum 5 pages):
Draft Call for Papers (max 1 page) A description of the publicity and promotion plan The workshop potential website address (if available at the time of the proposal – will be required later if the workshop proposal is accepted) If appropriate, a description of past versions of the workshop, including number of submitted and accepted papers, number of attendees, etc. == How to Submit Proposals == Workshop proposals should be submitted as a single PDF file online via EDAS here. Proposals that address exciting topics in creative formats that generate lively interactions among participants are highly encouraged. Examples include facilitating multi-disciplinary discussions across academicians, practitioners and policy makers leading to high impact and transformative research. Papers will be added to the IEEE GLOBECOM Conference Proceedings and submitted to IEEE Xplore. == Timeline ==
The editor of the 5G PPP newsflash on behalf of the 6GStart Project is Carole Manero, IDATE, 601 rue Georges Méliès, 34000 Montpellier, France.
This document reflects only the views of its authors.