Global expansion of COVID-19 is affecting people life and has major impact on overall individuals and organizations operation. Among many others issues, in direct connection to travels bans and overall restrictions/confinement measures… many conferences, events and meetings are either cancelled (e.g. MWC 2020), shifted to Fall 2020 (NGMN) or organized in remote/”virtual” mode (5GForum, EuCNC).
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5G – enabling Europe’s digital and green transformation |
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Peter Stuckmann, Head of Unit, Future Connectivity Systems at the DG CONNECT, European Commission, presented at the 5GForum on May 6-7, 2020 how the European Commission intends to meet the “A Europe fit for the digital age” priority set by Ursula Van der Leyen last July.
5G is for sure one of the key levers. Peter Stuckmann provided details on actions taken to address Covid-19 issues. He presented the state of the art of 5G in Europe in terms of trials, spectrum assignments and commercial launches. He also emphasized the Pan-EU 5G Corridors for Connected and Automated Mobility” initiative. To conclude, Peter Stuckmann detailed what is next on Horizon Europe 2021-2027 and gave an overview on beyond 5G and towards 6G topics. Download the slides here. |
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5GCity White Paper on 5G Neutral Hosts: 5GCity Architecture and Business Model |
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Mid-April 2020, the 5GCity project released its 5GCity Architecture and Business Model White Paper. The document briefly presents the key functional aspects of the 5GCity platform architecture, the inspiring Neutral Host concept and a potential business model regulating its deployment in production.
Download the White Paper here. The 5GCity project essentially turns a city into a distributed, third party, multi-tenant edge infrastructure, capable to extend the cloud model all the way to the edge for dynamic, fast, and interoperable provisioning of 5G-based services. Details on architecture design, platform implementation and validation results from live trials in the cities of Barcelona (ES), Bristol (UK) and Lucca (IT) are available in 5GCity project deliverables [10]-[15] available for download at the 5GCity website. |
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5GENESIS call for contributions to SENSORS Special Issue on “5G Mission-Critical Applications” |
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Contributions are requested for a special issue of Sensors (ISSN 1424-8220). This special issue belongs to the section “Communications“.
Deadline for manuscript submissions: 15 November 2020 Dear Colleagues, With the advent of 5G, agile machine-type communications (MTC) may finally become a reality. The three pillars of technological improvements: higher throughput, significantly increased number of connected devices, and especially lower latency are seen as major enabling factors in the wider deployment of mission-critical applications (MCAs). These applications range from autonomous vehicles and drones, haptic communications over 5G, electrical grid, and industrial automation to smart cities and medical applications, and are typically characterized by the need for extremely reliable transport in addition to low latency and potentially high bandwidth. One of the main challenges for supporting MCA-type services lies in the creation of overall network architectures that adapt to fluctuating traffic patterns and enable overall high adaptability that spans not only the radio access layer and core network services but also extends to edge and core computing that are essential in supporting MCAs. The objective of this Special Issue is to bring together state-of-the-art contributions related to 5G-based mission-critical applications and services covering topics such as the development and operation of MCA/M2M applications using the 5G service stack, the role of NFV and network slicing in mission-critical communications, exposing the network to the application (programmable RAN, core network interfaces, transport network configuration with SDN, etc.), over-the-top approaches to MCAs, transport protocols and APIs for MCAs, testbeds to validate 5G MCAs, lessons from trials with MCAs, the impact of multiple operators and roaming in 5G applications, challenges from MCA regulation and governance, as well as security and privacy issues related to MCAs. This Special Issue is connected to the activities in the European project 5GENESIS (under the umbrella of 5G PPP) and the US project COSMOS (under the umbrella of PAWR). An email to the Guest Editors with the tentative title and abstract is expected before submission. Prof. Pedro Merino-Gómez For full information please click this link:
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The 2020 edition of the European 5G Annual Journal is out! |
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![]() The Fifth issue of the European 5G Annual Journal was released at the end of May 2020. It can be downloaded here. Although we have faced a number of unique challenges over the past year such as the cancellation of the MWC2020 and other events, the 5G PPP has made good overall progress with a strong set of projects creating significant results and being involved in many vertical industries such as transport, manufacturing, energy, health care and media. The projects of the third phase of the 5G PPP show the way for these new use cases and deliver on Europe’s 5G trial strategy.
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Last SliceNet webinar from the webinar series on 5G Integrated Multi Domain Slicing Friendly Infrastructure |
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SliceNet announced the last webinar in the SliceNet webinar series which aims to show the outcomes and achievements from the various work packages and working groups in the project.
The presentation described the design and prototyping of 5G integrated multi-domain SliceNet infrastructure based on opensource software platforms. Navid Nikaein, Professor in Communication System Department at Eurecom, presented information on radio access networks (RAN), Core Network (CN), multi-access edge computing (MEC), and xhaul domains that are customized to experimentally validate different use cases considered in SliceNet (e.g. e-health). He highlighted how SliceNet addresses end-to-end (E2E) network slices from the network operator, infrastructure provider and service provider point of view. The technical achievements and innovation focusing on the system integration and demonstration were presented. This webinar aimed at developers and designers both in vertical industries and research, interested in 5G system integration and frameworks. |
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5G!Drones presentation at AERCOMM workshop, IEEE WCNC |
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Gokul Srinivasan from Robots.Expert, 5GDrones project partner, presented remotely “Challenges and Benefits of 5G in Urban Air Mobility” at the AERCOMM workshop, co-organized by 5G!Drones and EU-Korea PriMO-5G projects, at IEEE WCNC 2020 (virtual), 25 May 2020.
Due to COVID-19 worldwide impact and following the advice and guidelines from healthcare officials and local authorities, the IEEE WCNC 2020 was held virtually on May 25th to May 28th. Accepted papers for the IEEE WCNC 2020 will be submitted for inclusion in IEEE Xplore Digital Library after they are presented at the virtual conference. Similarly, the Aerial Communications in 5G and Beyond Networks (AERCOMM) workshop co-organized by 5G!Drones and EU-Korea PriMO-5G project, colocated with IEEE WCNC 2020, was virtual. In specific, AERCOMM workshop was held on Monday, May 25th, from 07:00 to 11:00 CEST, where 5G!Drones partners presented. |
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IEEE ICC 2020 Workshop on Intelligent 5G Network Slicing – Co-organized by SliceNet & 5G-VINNI |
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The IEEE ICC 2020 workshop on Intelligent 5G Network Slicing has been organized by SliceNet and 5G-VINNI to present the latest advances in network slicing, and results on experimentation and trials in the verticals.
The workshop will take place virtually, on the 11th June 2020, from 9.00 to 12.30 CEST. Visit the workshop website here. Or the event webpage here. Registration to IEEE ICC 2020 workshops is 40 euro for non-authors and 20 euro for students, via the ICC website. |
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5G PPP Technology Board Workshop |
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During the 26th and 27th of May, a two-days 5G PPP Technology Board Workshop took place. This workshop was organized as an electronic one due to the Covid-19 pandemic. During these two days, overall 70 people participated in seven different sessions.
The first day started with a session related to the collaboration among infrastructure and vertical validation trials 5G PPP projects. Among other topics, it was discussed a potential harmonization of the northbound interface from the network infrastructure towards the vertical services. Then, a session related to the three 5G PPP automotive projects was dedicated to present their current status and key achievements. Moreover, a session organized by the Test, Measurement and KPIs Validation WG, discussed the latest activities related to the mapping of verticals application & services KPIs to networking KPIs. The first day completed its activities discussing the latest status of three white papers, under preparation by the Technology Board, that analyze Edge Computing solutions, the impact of 5G to vertical industries and the use of 5G in indoor environments, During the second day, several solutions related to the use of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning were presented followed by a discussion about their potential impact on 5G networks. The next working session was dedicated to the methodology of capturing and analyzing the latest key achievements of 5G PPP Phase II and Phase III projects. Finally, the workshop concluded through a session related to business validation aspects. During the following years, such validation activities will be of growing importance as the full digitization of vertical industries is expected to take place.
Please cross check the dates of the various events on events’ websites. At this time, schedules can rapidly change.
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Dublin, June 7-11, 2020
5G-DRIVE is organising a workshop on 5G Long Term Evolution and Intelligent Communication in conjunction with IEEE ICC 2020 and has published a CfP. ( Workshop Scope: The next generation wireless networks, i.e., 5G and beyond, autonomous vehicle networks, will be extremely dynamic and complex due to the ultra-densely deployed wireless networks. These introduce many critical challenges for signal processing, network planning and operation, network management etc. Meanwhile, generation and consumption of wireless data are becoming increasingly distributed with ongoing paradigm shift from people-centric to machine-oriented communications, making the operation of future wireless networks even more complex. To mitigate the complexity of future wireless network operation, new approaches of intelligently utilizing distributed computational resources with improved context-awareness becomes extremely important. In this regard, the edge computing architecture aiming to distribute computing, storage, control, communication, and networking functions closer to end uses, have a great potential for enabling efficient operation of future wireless networks. Such promising architectures make the adoption of artificial intelligence (AI) principles, which incorporate learning, reasoning and decision-making mechanism, as natural choices for designing a tightly integrated network. |
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5G PPP CfP @CLEEN 2020 |
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Dublin, Ireland – June 11, 2020
This new edition CLEEN2020 workshop will be organized with a more creative format, conceived with the particular aim to generate lively interactions and foster new ideas. In particular, current shape of the programme agenda is including the Open Forum “Distributed Computing beyond 5G”, that will provide an interactive discussion platform for all stakeholders (from practitioners to experienced researchers and industry leaders), with the aim to encourage collaboration and stimulate a lively interaction, to identify open challenges and research gaps toward new systems (even beyond 5G). The workshop is planned to be a full-day event and has the following programme agenda:
Do not hesitate to visit us regularly. The detailed CfP can be downloaded here. The workshop programme will be updated here. |
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5G PPP @Virtual EuCNC 2020 |
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Virtual – June 15-18, 2020
The EuCNC 2020, supported by the European Commission, should initially take place in Dubrovnik, Croatia from June 15 to 18, 2020. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the Steering Committee of EuCNC 2020 has decided to change the format of the conference to an on-line virtual one, instead of the usual face-to-face physical one. In this format, there will be no Workshops, Tutorials and Special Sessions. On the other hand, papers submitted to Regular Sessions taht are accepted (the review process is being finalised) will be invited to be presented in an on-line mode. They will be submitted to IEEE Xplore as usual; accepted posters will alos be presented on-line. The format of Keynotes and Panels is being finalised with the speakers. Further details will be provided as soon as possible. This edition is the 29th edition of a successful series of a conference in the field of telecommunications, sponsored by the IEEE Communications Society and the European Association for Signal Processing, and supported by the European Commission. The conference focuses on various aspects of 5G communications systems and networks, including cloud and virtualisation solutions, management technologies, and vertical application areas. It targets to bring together researchers from all over the world to present the latest research results, and it is one of the main venues for demonstrating the results of research projects, especially from successive European R&D programmes co-financed by the European Commission.
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Workshop on “5G Validation Trials Across Multiple Vertical Industries” @IEEE 5G World Forum 2020 |
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Bangalore, India – September 10-12, 2020
The 2020 IEEE 3rd 5G World Forum (5GWF’20) aims to bring experts from industry, academia and research to exchange their vision as well as their achieved advances towards 5G and encourage innovative cross-domain studies, research, early deployment and large-scale pilot showcases that address the challenges of 5G. The workshop aims at providing a forum for industry and academics to disseminate new findings on 5G trials in vertical industries, and new business development. The workshop will call for papers presenting test results from trials as well as theoretical results based on realistic deployment schemes and new 5G business models. Click here for additional details. Important dates for paper submissions
Submission via EDAS:
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5G Live |
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London, UK- September 23-24, 2020
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2nd European Observatory stakeholder Workshop: 5G for Growth and Recovery |
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Brussels, Belgium- September 25, 2020 The second stakeholder workshop “European 5G Observatory – 5G for growth and recovery” will take place on Friday, 25 September 2020 from 10:00-14:00. Full5G members will be there. This workshop will be the opportunity to review the main findings of the second year of the 5G Observatory and to exchange views on the current state of play of 5G deployment, the latest market trends and in particular the impact of the current crisis on the 5G progress. It will also serve as input for the planned update of the Action Plan for 5G and 6G as announced in the Commission’s Digital Strategy last February. This workshop is open to all stakeholders interested in 5G, including telecom operators and suppliers, national authorities in charge of telecom and spectrum policy and regulation, as well as representatives of the vertical industries looking at the use of 5G for their use cases. Please note that the workshop will either be organised in Brussels with a limited number of participants (and live streaming) or fully remotely, depending on travel restrictions in September. If you are interested in this event, you can already register – a first draft agenda is available for download. |
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ICT 2020: Leading the Digital Age |
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Cologne, Germany- December 1-3, 2020
At the start of a new EU MFF (2021-2027), ICT 2020 will present collaboration opportunities offered by Horizon Europe (HE) and the Digital Europe Programme (DEP). ICT 2020 will host a high-level policy conference, an interactive exhibition of EU-funded projects in the field of ICT, numerous networking opportunities and much more! It is a unique occasion to bring together 5 000 researchers, innovators and engineers from all ICT fields, policy and business decision makers, as well as investors and venture capitalists. 5G PPP projects will be there. Additional information will be disclosed soon. |
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Hannover Messe 2021 |
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Hannover, Germany – April 12-16, 2021
The 2020 lead theme was “Industrial Transformation”. But the 2020 edition could not take place due to the coronavirus pandemic. 5G PPP projects will participate in the event which will bring significant opportunities. Additional information on 5G PPP presence will come soon.
The editor of the 5G PPP newsflash on behalf of the Full5G Project is Carole Manero, IDATE DigiWorld, CS94167 – 34092 Montpellier Cedex 5, France. This document reflects only the views of its authors.