The 5G IA and NetWorldEurope ETP sign Collaboration Agreement |
5G IA and NetWorldEurope ETP published a joint press release announcing the collaboration agreement. Here below some extracts of the communication. You can find the full press release on 5G IA website.
On 28th April 2021 in Brussels, Dr Colin Willcock, Chairman of the Board of the 5G Infrastructure Association (5G IA) and Professor Rui Luis Andrade Aguiar, Chairman of NetworldEurope ETP Steering Board, co-signed a collaboration agreement to foster cooperation and synergies on European Research Activities on the ICT sector for Smart Networks and Services.
5G IA and NetworldEurope ETP signed a collaboration agreement to facilitate research and innovation activities for beyond 5G and 6G networks as well as smart networks and services. Although the two organizations have already enjoyed an excellent collaboration during the past years, the expected Smart Networks and Services Institutionalized Partnership requires a further strengthening and coordination of their activities. The collaboration agreement captures the mutual understanding of the challenges and opportunities in the European Research and Innovation ecosystem in the context of Horizon Europe for the next decade. It also captures the expected role of each organization in the framework of their collaboration. The mission of 5G IA is to create the next generation of communication networks and services. Ubiquitous connectivity will enable the European industry to successfully compete on global markets, open up new innovation and business opportunities and facilitate the creation of smart networks and services for the benefit of the society. The mission of NetworldEurope is to develop position documents on technological, research-oriented and societal issues, including an updated Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA) for Europe in the communication networks domain in an open process in order to guide industrial and long-term oriented research and to provide means for future economic exploitation in global standards and the widespread deployment of communication systems and networks. Dr. Colin Willcock, Chairman of the Board of the 5G IA, stated: “As our world becomes ever more digitised, it is vital that we collaborate across a broad range of domains and stakeholders. For this reason, this MoU is important for extending the scope and participation involved in Smart Networks and Services partnership through a closer working agreement with the NetWorldEurope ETP”. Professor Rui Luis Andrade Aguiar, Chairman of NetWorldEurope Steering Board, said: “In an increasingly globalized world, Europe must develop a strong unified approach to lead innovation in new communication systems. This MoU formalizes the reality of strong collaboration already existing in the Smart Networks and Services partnership, by improving the communication channels between both associations.”
5G PPP projects and 5G IA participation @EuCNC / 6G Summit |
The 5G PPP participation at the 30th EuCNC & 6G Summit will be very intense.
5G IA “Smart Networks and Services Info Session”: The 5G IA is pleased to invite you to the ‘Smart Networks and Services Info Session’ on 11th June, @14:30-17:30 CEST during EuCNC & 6G Summit. This EuCNC session aims to explain the scope, objectives and structure of the European partnership on Smart Networks and Services (SNS), part of the Commission proposal for a Council regulation establishing the Joint Undertakings under Horizon Europe. A key goal of the SNS Partnership will be to define and implement the research, innovation and deployment roadmaps that will enable Europe to lead in the creation of the next generation of smart network technologies and services. These will be designed and implemented in such a way that European values like security and privacy are safeguarded and that European technological sovereignty is further strengthened. The Partnership will also focus on the full digitization of European society including vertical industries and public administration. Thereby, the SNS Partnership targets to have a positive impact on the quality of life for European citizens and boost the European data economy. The SNS Partnership has two main objectives, namely:
The Workshop ( consists of two sessions:
They will provide their views about challenges and opportunities under the SNS Partnership. The panel aims to serve as an open and interactive forum for discussion with the participants. When you register at EuCNC | 6G Summit please ensure that you also tick the “SNS Info Session” box. 5G PPP “5G Private Networks” Workshop: The first edition of the workshop on “5G Private Networks” will take place on June 8th at the 2021 joint EuCNC and 6G Summit. It will be a full-day workshop (zoom room) with four sessions, two in the morning and two in the afternoon. The online workshop is organized by 12 5G PPP projects (including Affordable5G, FUDGE-5G, 5G-VINNI, 5G-RECORDS, 5GROWTH, 5G-CLARITY, 5G-SMART, 5G-TOURS, 5G-INDUCE, 5G-Solutions, 5G-VICTORI, PriMO-5G) working on 5G Non-Public Networks (NPNs) and recognised experts in this area. The workshop will provide a holistic view of NPNs, covering vertical use cases, operation aspects, business models, trials, and emerging technologies. A private 5G network, known as Non-Public Network (NPN) in 3GPP terminology, allows the use of 5G technologies to create a dedicated network with unified connectivity, optimised services, and a secure means of communication within a specific area. A private network can be run either by the company itself or a third party, based on the same or different spectrum owned by mobile network operators. The workshop will be organised as follows:
You can find the full agenda and more information about the workshop here. Registrations for the EuCNC/6G Summit are open on its official website.
COREnect Workshop “Hardware Enabling Technologies for 6G Networks” – June 8th 14:00 – 17:30 CEST The programme is available at:
Combining insights and expertise from the communication and microelectronics domain, the three expert groups will address three key areas and share their sector-specific views points on: a) Electronics for Trustworthy Communication (6G and beyond), b) Future Core Technologies and Integration and c) Energy-efficient, Green Communication Electronics.
The Workshop will also include a panel discussion on ”Opportunities and Challenges for hardware enabling technologies in the SNS Partnership”.
COREnect Panel “Components and Hardware on the Road to 6G” – June 10th 11:30 – 13:00 CEST COREnect is developing a cross-industry technology roadmap of core component and subsystem technologies for the evolution of 5G towards 6G. The strategic goal of the project is to help diversify and reduce European dependence on other continents when building up future connectivity systems. This panel will elaborate on the first COREnect’s findings and results related to the expected role of microelectronics in 6G. Ideas and recommendations on strategic measures to address these challenges, as well as the potential roles of the various stakeholders in such future 6G ecosystems (e.g., industry, SMEs, academia, associations, public authorities, etc.), will also be discussed. The programme is available at:
5GZORRO @EuCNC & 6G Summit
5GZORRO is working on Zero-touch automation, security and trust among multiple parties through blockchains, network slicing across various domains, ubiquitous computing and connectivity for multi-operator 5G networks, Distributed Ledgers for Telcos. 5GZORRO partners have prepared a series of very relevant contributions and activities in this context:
Authors partners: Intracom Telecom, Greece; IBM I, Israel; Fundació i2CAT, Spain; Ubiwhere, Portugal; Fondazione Bruno Kessler, BARTR, UK.
Authors partners: Fundació i2CAT, Spain; Nextworks, Italy; BARTR, UK; Altice Labs, Portugal; University of Murcia, Spain; Telefonica, Spain.
5GZORRO will contribute to Session 1: Security and Trust Architecture for Beyond 5G Networks in Workshop 8: From 5G to 6G Automated and Intelligent SecuriTy: FAST Tuesday 8 June 2021, 9:30-11:00, Zoom Room 5GZORRO will chair and present Special Session 8: Autonomous Network Management towards 6G. Friday, 11 June 2021, 09:30-11:00, Zoom Room.
5G-LOGINNOV and 5GMETA Workshop on ‘Connectivity and Beyond: How the 5G Ecosystem Empowers the Port, Logistics and Automotive Industries’ @EuCNC & 6G Summit The European H2020 projects 5GMETA and 5G-LOGINNOV organise a Workshop on ‘Connectivity and Beyond: How the 5G ecosystem Empowers the Port, Logistics and Automotive Industries’ on June 8th, 9:30-11:00/11:30-13:00 CEST @EuCNC & 6G Summit 2021. The programme is available here. Registrations are available here. More information about the event here. |
New 5G PPP webinar videos released! |
The Full5G project is pleased to announce that a couple of new videos are available in the 5G PPP webinar series. They are part of a 5G user webinar and workshop series designed for industry verticals co-hosted by 5G-IA, 5GAA, 5G-ACIA and PSCE, as Market Representation Partners of 3GPP.
The first video, entitled “Edge Computing – Industry Vertical Viewpoints”, was held on 20 April 2021, while the second one, “3GPP Standards on Edge Computing”, was held on 22 April 2021. Both videos are available on the 5G PPP Video Channel, on the 5G PPP YouTube channel, and are directly accessible at and
5G PPP White Paper on ‘AI and ML – Enablers for Beyond 5G Networks’ |
5G PPP is glad to announce that the 5G PPP White Paper on ‘AI and ML – Enablers for Beyond 5G Networks’ was released in May 2021.
This white paper is based on contributions from almost 20 5G PPP projects, coordinated through the 5G PPP Technology Board, that research, implement and validate 5G and B5G network systems. The white paper introduces the main relevant mechanisms in Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML), currently investigated and exploited for 5G and B5G networks. A family of neural networks is presented which are, generally speaking, non-linear statistical data modelling and decisionmaking tools. They are typically used to model complex relationships between input and output parameters of a system or to find patterns in data. Feed-forward neural networks, deep neural networks, recurrent neural networks, and convolutional neural networks belong to this family. Reinforcement learning is concerned about how intelligent agents must take actions in order to maximize a collective reward, e.g., to improve a property of the system. Deep reinforcement learning combines deep neural networks and has the benefit that is can operate on non-structured data. Hybrid solutions are presented such as combined analytical and machine learning modelling as well as expert knowledge aided machine learning. Finally, other specific methods are presented, such as generative adversarial networks and unsupervised learning and clustering. In the sequel the white paper elaborates on use case and optimisation problems that are being tackled with AI/ML, partitioned in three major areas namely, i) Network Planning, ii) Network Diagnostics/Insights, and iii) Network Optimisation and Control. In Network Planning, attention is given to AI/ML assisted approaches to guide planning solutions. Read more here.
White Paper on ‘Service performance measurement methods over 5G experimental networks’ from TMV WG |
The Test Measurement Validation Working Group is pleased to announce the ” Service performance measurement methods over 5G experimental networks ” white paper (short and long versions) aims at analysing 5G PPP projects’ use cases of various verticals for their performance KPIs and their mapping to 5G network KPIs. The scope is to identify (based on architectural elements analysis, information flow, etc.) the potential impact on the service performance and the perceived user quality. The considered use cases belong to the following domains: Smart Cities & Utilities, Transportation, Automotive, Media & Entertainment, Agriculture & Agri-food, Smart (Air)ports, Energy and E-health & Wellness. The goal was to understand the relationship between the 5G network performance indicators and the vertical services.
Read the full paper short or long versions by clicking on the links.
The European Annual Journal 2021 is out! |
The sixth issue of the European 5G Annual Journal was released at the end of May 2021.
COVID-19 has been and still is a tremendous challenge for all people on the planet and has also impacted our constituency. Many activities within the 5G PPP could somewhat advance thanks to remote access to labs and online conferencing. However, we saw delays in most projects particularly as we are in the third phase of the 5G PPP with many trial and demonstrator activities. Nonetheless, R&I initiatives on 6G technologies are now starting in leading regions worldwide, with the first products and infrastructures expected for the end of this decade. In January 2021, a first set of 6G projects was launched, worth 60 million EUR under the 5G PPP with the Hexa-X flagship developing a first 6G system concept complemented by 8 projects investigating specific technologies for 6G, putting Europe on a par with our global competitors. In February 2021, the Commission adopted a legislative proposal for the upcoming European partnership on Smart Networks and Services (SNS) towards 6G, the successor of our 5G PPP. Download the Journal here.
CfP – 5G-EPICENTRE and 5GMediaHUB Workshop ‘5G experimentation facilities, vertical trials and cross-testbed service orchestration’ @MeditCom |
5G PPP ICT-41 projects 5G EPICENTRE and 5GMediaHUB invites to submit papers for the Workshop on ‘5G experimentation facilities, vertical trials and cross-testbed service orchestration’, held as part of the inaugural IEEE International Mediterranean Conference on Communications and Networking (MeditCom), a new annual conference of the IEEE Communications Society for the Mediterranean region. The event will be held on 7 – 10 September 2021, in Athens, Greece.
As a result of almost a decade of research, 5G services are gradually being rolled out while facilities for 5G experimentation have come in various shapes and sizes. Such developments have opened up new possibilities for a broad range of vertical sectors, delivering transformative impact in terms of ultra-highspeed connectivity. Moving forward, the federation of constituent 5G testbed platforms will enable infrastructure owners to greatly reduce complexity, particularly for SMEs in the targeted vertical industries, by enabling cross-testbed and cross-site management and orchestration via carefully defined software interfaces. Such interfaces should ideally allow testbeds to federate without losing control of their individual resources; enable the calibration of individual testbed components from a singular control point; allow experimenters to combine the available resources to achieve different 5G experimentation conditions of varying scale and diversity; and ensure these configurations are easily repeatable by supporting reproducible experimentation conditions. This workshop represents a coordinated initiative by 5G PPP ICT-41 projects 5G MediaHUB and 5G-EPICENTRE, which will enable stakeholders in the 5G ecosystem to understand existing and future challenges in cross-site 5G testbed unification, identify key tasks ahead and evaluate the current state of the art in the specific domain. The workshop will thus facilitate timely collection of related work as well as latest updates toward the benefit of telecommunications and networking researchers and practitioners, encouraging the contribution of both original research work and survey papers addressing the topics discussed.
The conference proceedings will be published in IEEE Xplore. Important Dates: Paper Submissions Due: 21 May 2021 Conference Chairs Workshop Chairs Konstantinos C. Apostolakis, FORTH, Greece (5G-EPICENTRE Project)
ICT 2021 Conference |
London, UK – June 1-3 The ICT 2021 Conference will be hosted in London, United Kingdom on June 1-3, 2021. The aim of this conference is to provide a forum for researchers and technologists to present new advances and contributions in the form of keynotes, tutorials, workshops as well as regular and special sessions with the objective to share ideas and progress in the field of wireless communications, networking, and signal processing. This twenty-eighth edition of the ICT event will focus on promoting new ideas, state-of-the-art research and development as well as visionary future directions in telecommunications.
5G CLARITY expert panel@ 5G Week: “Private Networks, Challenges, Technical Innovations and Beyond the 5G Roadmap” |
Online event – June 4 5G-CLARITY is organising an expert panel in the 5G Week event (June 4th, at 1000 BST) on ‘Private Networks: Challenges, Technical Innovations, and Beyond 5G Roadmap’
Here is the program and the experts: Content Outline: Panelists:
Moderator: Mir Ghoraishi, Wireless Technology Consultant, Gigasys Solutions (Project Manager, 5G-CLARITY) Online registration is open here or there.
5GCroCo: Mobile Edge Computing/Cloud (MEC) Architecture |
Online event – June 7
This is the 6th in a planned series of 5GCroco Lunchtime Webinars. These webinars will address different aspects of the technical work of the 5GCroco project in detail with some time for questions and discussions on the work presented.
AGENDA: This webinar is based on Deliverable D3.2 on “Intermediate E2E, MEC & Positioning Architecture” Section 4.3 about Mobile Edge Computing/Cloud (MEC). The following topics will be covered:
This webinar will be done in two parts and will follow from where Part 1 (held on 31 May) stopped. You can review Part 1 here. More information and registration are available here.
EuCNC & 6G Summit 2021 |
Online event – June 8-11 EuCNC 2021 is the 30th edition of a successful series of a conference in the field of telecommunications, sponsored by the IEEE Communications Society and the European Association for Signal Processing, and supported by the European Commission. EuCNC 2021 intends to introduce 6G. This conference is one of the most prominent communications and networking conferences in Europe, which efficiently brings together cutting-edge research and world-renown industries and businesses. The conference will focus on various aspects of 5G communications systems and networks, including cloud and virtualisation solutions, management technologies, and vertical application areas. It will target to bring together researchers from all over the world to present the latest research results, and it is one of the main venues for demonstrating the results of research projects, especially from successive European R&D programmes co-financed by the European Commission. The 5G IA and 5G PPP projects will see very active participation in this edition.
5G-ACIA 2nd Web Seminar Series – “Integration of 5G with Time-Sensitive Networking for Industrial Communications” |
Online event – June 17 5G-ACIA’s mission is to ensure the best possible application of 5G technology and of 5G networks for the industrial domain. Join this 5G-ACIA Webinars to explore how 5G-ACIA is working on the framework design for Industrial 5G and ask your questions to the experts from 5G-ACIA. 5G-ACIA organises its 2nd webinar series with four seminars, one per month from 26th May to 13th September 2021. The 26 May session was on “Industrial 5G – Where are we?”. Join this 2nd webinar on 17th June.
Integration of 5G with Time-Sensitive Networking for Industrial Communications Dr. Kun Wang (Ericsson), Lukas Wüsteney (Hirschmann/Belden), Dietmar Bruckner (ABB) Register here. More information here.
5G-SMART webinar on “5G and Industrial Robotics, Testbed Insights and Outlook” |
Online event – June 22 The 5G-SMART project is organizing a webinar entitled “5G and Industrial Robotics, Testbed Insights and Outlook” on the 22nd of June, 2021 at 3 pm CEST with 90 minutes duration.
Abstract: Industrial robotics in smart manufacturing is one of the areas where 5G is envisioned to play a major role. The increased use of mobile robots in combination with requirements on high reliability and low latency communication makes 5G a very interesting technology candidate. The webinar will showcase recent development done in the 5G-SMART project on use cases targeting collaborative industrial robotics. Insights to the 5G-ACIA endorsed robotics trial being setup in a smart factory in Kista will be provided including requirements, implementation aspects and benefits of 5G. In addition, the webinar also includes a panel of experts from ABB and Ericsson to discuss the future of robotics and cellular communication.
Webinar speakers:
Panel participants:
More information about the event and registration here.
European Research and Innovation Days |
Online event – June 23 – 24 European Research and Innovation Days is the European Commission’s annual flagship Research and Innovation event, bringing together policymakers, researchers, entrepreneurs and the public to debate and shape the future of research and innovation in Europe and beyond. This year marks the start of Horizon Europe, our most ambitious EU research and innovation programme ever, and will be a decisive moment to strengthen our European Research Area. Cooperation in research and innovation is essential in our recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic and will pave the way to a greener and more digital future. The European Research and Innovation Days represent a unique opportunity to add your voice to the conversation. More information about this event here.
MWC Barcelona 2021 |
Barcelona, Spain – June 28 – July 1
The next MWC is scheduled from June 28 to July 1, 2021. The 2021 lead theme is “Connected Impact” as a reference to the virus. The event is partially physically-held partially virtualy. The multi-layered safety approach includes prevention, protection, mitigation, monitoring and maintaining safety. Layers include frequent testing, contact tracing, touchless environments, re-vamped catering, occupancy monitoring, upgrades to facility infrastructure, increased medical staff – and personal commitments like adhering to social distancing.
5G-ACIA 2nd Web Seminar Series – “Using Digital Twins to integrate 5G into Production Networks” |
Online event – July 14 5G-ACIA’s mission is to ensure the best possible application of 5G technology and of 5G networks for the industrial domain. Join this 5G-ACIA Webinars to explore how 5G-ACIA is working on the framework design for Industrial 5G and ask your questions to the experts from 5G-ACIA. 5G-ACIA organises its 2nd webinar series with four seminars, one per month from 26th May to 13th September 2021. The 26 May session was on “Industrial 5G – Where are we?”. Join this 3rd webinar!
Using Digital Twins to integrate 5G into Production Networks Josef Eichinger (Huawei), Bernd Kaercher (Festo) Register here. More information here.
IEEE International Mediterranean Conference on Communications and Networking |
Online event – September 7-10 The inaugural IEEE International Mediterranean Conference on Communications and Networking (MeditCom) will take place 5-8 July 2021 in Athens, Greece. IEEE MeditCom will bring together visionaries in academia, research labs and industry from all over the world to the shores of the Mediterranean Sea, with programming that will address many of the outstanding challenges that exist in the areas of communications and networking. The conference will solicit research papers on a wide range of research topics, spanning both theoretical and systems research along with vertical technologies. There will be a Special Session co-organized by 5G-Routes, ICT4CART and 5G-Croco on the topic of ‘AI Assisted Technologies for Connected and Automated Mobility (CAM)’. Further information on IEEE MeditCom website.
5G-ACIA 2nd Web Seminar Series – “Exposure of 5G Capabilities for Connected Industry and Automation Applications” |
Online event – September 14 5G-ACIA’s mission is to ensure the best possible application of 5G technology and of 5G networks for the industrial domain. Join this last 5G-ACIA Webinar to explore how 5G-ACIA is working on the framework design for Industrial 5G and ask your questions to the experts from 5G-ACIA. 5G-ACIA organises its 2nd webinar series with four seminars, one per month from 26th May to 13th September 2021. The 26 May session was on “Industrial 5G – Where are we?”.
Exposure of 5G Capabilities for Connected Industry and Automation Applications Kurt Essigmann (Ericsson), Dr. Joachim Walewski (Siemens) Register here. More information here.
ITS World Congress 2021 |
Hamburg, Germany – October 11-15
The Congresses are the yearly celebration of smart mobility: they underline the importance of Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS), particularly in cities and regions where they are hosted, and provide an excellent platform that supports the education, thought-leadership, business development, and the overall steady growth of the smart mobility industrial growth. They include live, interactive and thought-provoking sessions where industry experts present the latest developments in ITS, showcasing and demonstrating cutting-edge technology within the event’s spacious exhibition, technical tours and live demonstration opportunities.
Further information on ITS World Congress website.
The editor of the 5G PPP newsflash on behalf of the Full5G Project is Carole Manero, IDATE DigiWorld, CS94167 – 34092 Montpellier Cedex 5, France. This document reflects -only the views of its authors.