Launch of the Smart Networks and Services Joint Undertaking website |
![]() Smart Networks and Services Joint Undertaking (SNS JU) has launched its new website which will be sharing information regarding 6G research and innovation: European-funded projects, funding opportunities, ongoing and past calls, procurement, job vacancies, a list of events, and the latest news and publications. Read the blog post on the new website of Peter Stuckmann, Interim Executive Director of Smart Networks and Services Joint Undertaking. Also, the SNS JU announced the launch of its 6G SNS Twitter account. |
White Paper from the 5G PPP Technology Board “Non-Public-Networks – State of the art and way forward” |
![]() Non-Public-Networks – State of the art and way forward Non-public networks (NPNs) push the integration capability of 5G a step further by not only offering the integration of service capabilities specific and tuned towards verticals but building an entire concept of infrastructure provisioning around verticals. This is achieved by extending the architectural alignment of service-based architecture and enterprise service architecture to the capability of provisioning 5G hardware infrastructure, down to base stations in vertical industry sites. The use of private site-specific spectrum, utilized for 5G infrastructure, can be complemented by the possibility to utilize roaming into operators’ wide-area connectivity, if needed for the specific use case. The use of local spectrum disconnects NPNs entirely from previous operator-dependent deployment models. Ultimately, the vertical customer’s extended enterprise service architecture is now realized as a distributed data centre that spans its various sites albeit with the ultra-low latency and service-centric capabilities that are enabled by 5G. This white paper presents the state of the art of NPNs in the 5G and beyond 5G context and provides an outlook on possible evolution paths of this concept. The white paper is available here. |
5G-HEART released key results |
![]() 5G-HEART KEY RESULTS BOOKLET The 5G-HEART key results booklet contains high-level descriptions of the vertical use case trials performed in the projects as well as summaries of the key findings from the trials. You can download the booklet at the project website. 5G-HEART KEY RESULTS VIDEOS The 5G-HEART trial videos contain key use case scenarios of healthcare, transportation and aquaculture. You can watch them at the project website. |
Connecting Europe Facility – Digital calls for proposals |
![]() The Connecting Europe Facility – Digital calls for proposals are now open and available here. Please note that the calls will close on 23rd February, 2023. There were two information days organized on 20th September to prepare potential candidates to the Digital Global Gateways and 5G for Smart Communities calls specifically – the recordings are publicly available for you to consult in case you missed the events. The recent recording of the Info Day organised by the implementing agency HaDEA is also available here. For a partner search you may use: Funding & tenders (, you can go to “How to participate”/ partner search. The call text and everything else available here: 5G for Smart Communities – Call for proposals now open | Shaping Europe’s digital future ( To keep up to date on the 5G for Smart Communities action, any 5G-related events and opportunities, and to ask your questions, make sure you join our Investments in 5G connectivity Futurium community. You are welcome to consult the User Manual in case you have any questions on how to use the platform. |
aerOS project Survey |
![]() A survey is carried out by aerOS (Autonomous, scalablE, tRustworthy, intelligent European meta Operating System for the IoT edge-cloud continuum), a European research project (Horizon Europe CL4-2021-DATA-01-05) running for 3 years which aims at transparently utilising the resources on the edge-to-cloud computing continuum for enabling applications in an effective manner while incorporating multiple services. The overarching goal of aerOS is to design and build a virtualised, platform-agnostic meta operating system for the IoT edge-cloud continuum. If you wish to know more, please visit: – aerOS project The questionnaire is functional to the development of the Task 2.1 “State of the Art and Market Analysis”, and it is also aimed at collecting feedback on all internal and external factors that may influence the aerOS project during its development and after its conclusion. The result of this questionnaire will flow into Deliverable 2.1, Chapter 4. This Web-survey is organised on behalf of the aerOS project. The questions in this survey are anonymous. It will not be possible to identify you in any way. Also, final results of this survey, as well as any communication surrounding this survey, will not contain personal data in any identifiable way. All the answers you provide anonymously are saved on the site and will be deleted no later than 31.12.2022. (The privacy policy is published on the site After the cancellation of the answers from the site, only the statistical results of the survey will be kept. All current privacy legislation is respected, and you can exercise your rights of access, rectification, erasure and objection by emailing ad partner DPO or somebody in your organisation that will deal with these issues if you have no DPO. If you have any further questions regarding privacy and data protection within the aerOS project, contact our Data Protection Officer via DS Tech. Formal complaints about the use of your personal data can be filed with the data protection authority contacts from this list (choose the one from your country). Participation in this survey is on a voluntary basis and you may refuse to participate by not completing it. Filling in the questionnaire implies consent to participate in the survey. Find the survey online here: |
Hexa-X 6G architectural enablers and technological solutions |
Hexa-X published its the second deliverable of Work Package 5 (WP5), “Analysis of 6G architectural enablers applicability and initial technological solutions,”, denoted D5.2. In this deliverable, Hexa-X develops and evaluates enablers with the aim of integrating AI/ML and programmability in the network. For the flexible networks design, the document focus on developing and evaluating coverage extension solutions such as mesh ad hoc networks and NTN. Finally, Hexa-X describes methods on how to improve the signalling performance, scalability and resource consumption compared to previous generations. The deliverable reflects the work done in WP5 from month 13 (Jan. 2022) until month 22 (Oct. 2022), according to the project execution plan. The deliverable is available here. |
5G!Drones paper at IEEE Globecom 2022 |
![]() The 5G!Drones paper entitled “Availability and Latency Aware Deployment of Cloud Native edge Slices” by Sagar Arora, Adlen Ksentini, Christian Bonnet was accepted at IEEE Globecom’22, Rio De Janeiro, Brazil, December 2022.
You may access the accepted paper here. |
Outcomes of the 5G Vertical User Workshop |
Key issues such as efficiency and safety of the service, sustainability, user-friendliness, or creation of a viable ecosystem were adressed by the speakers. These requirements are essential to unlock the potential of 5G technologies, with the objective to enhance vertical industries.
Watch the video and read more here slides presented at the webinar :
Networld Europe public consultation |
![]() The document is now open for consultation until the 6th of December, on the following link The General Assembly of Netword Europe will take place online, on the 13th of December, where the SRIA is expected to be approved. |
SCoDIHNet monthly activity report |
In November, SCoDIHNet activities have targeted the following subjects:
6GArch, the Second Workshop on Architectural Evolution Toward 6G NetworksOnline event – December 4 |
6GArch, the Second Workshop on Architectural Evolution Toward 6G Networks, co-located with IEEE GLOBECOM 2022, will happen on December 4, 2022. The event is organized by the 5G PPP 5G Architecture work group, and enojys the support of several projects involved in the WG. More details at |
IEEE Global Communication Conference: Accelerating the Digital Transformation through Smart CommunicationsRio de Janeiro, Brazil – December 4-8 |
The 2022 IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM) will be held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, from 4 to 8 December 2022. Themed “Accelerating the Digital Transformation through Smart Communications,” this flagship hybrid (both in-person and online) conference of the IEEE Communications Society will feature a comprehensive high-quality technical program including 13 symposia and a variety of tutorials and workshops. IEEE GLOBECOM 2022 will also include an attractive Industry program, with keynotes and panels from prominent research, industry and government leaders, business and industry panels, and vendor exhibits. |
CELTIC-NEXT Spring Call 2023 – LAUNCH EVENTDecember 9 |
CELTIC is pleased to announce the CELTIC-NEXT LAUNCH EVENT on the 9th of December 2022 to prepare its Spring Call 2023. Public Funding Information updates from many Country representatives will be announced, and past experience from successful CELTIC projects and proposals will be presented by experts. The goal of the CELTIC-NEXT Launch Event is to expand knowledge, boost visibility and promote cooperative efforts for innovative results for this new Call. The CELTIC-NEXT Launch Event is the perfect opportunity to close the year by joining CELTIC-NEXT Community, celebrating the success of the programme and learning about the new projects opportunities! Key dates for the upcoming Spring Call 2023 opening soon are:
As usual, this bottom-up call is the perfect opportunity to enable projects in the field of next-generation communications for the digital society that contribute to a sustainable world. You are invited to participate, engage and explore ground-breaking opportunities together with the CELTIC-NEXT Cluster. By applying and participating in the CELTIC-NEXT Call, your organisation can access national public funding for your R&D project! |
“Native NI – The 1st International Workshop on Native Network Intelligence”Roma, Italy – December 9 |
The “NativeNI – The 1st International Workshop on Native Network Intelligence” is co-located with ACM CoNEXT 2022, held in Rome, Italy on December 9, 2022. This workshop aims to bringing together researchers from academia and industry who are committed to making AI in networks a reality. NativeNI call for contributions from researchers working in the areas of network systems, applied machine learning and data science. The project seeks contributions that range from visionary position papers to promising ideas and prototypes, all the way to fully deployed solutions. All submissions should contribute to the common goal of making AI a viable and native technology for mobile networks. Please see the workshop website at for full information. |
Call For Papers – Special Issue on Network Enablers for 6G Use CasesDecember 15 2022 – March 15 2023 |
IEEE Networking Letters – Special Issue on Networking Enablers for 6G Use Cases Call For Papers Thanks to its three major enablers, i.e., enhanced mobile broadband (eMBB), massive machine type communications (mMTC), and ultra reliable low latency communications (URLLC), 5G communications paved the way to use cases such as networked robotics and autonomous systems, distributed and collaborative sensor/actuator technologies, personalized user experience and extended reality. These applications seek lower latency (100 microseconds at peak rate), faster speed (i.e., 100x), and higher penetration per square kilometer (i.e., 10x). Expected to become a reality in 2030, 6G communications call for efficient and effective solutions that align with the 6G roadmap. With this in mind, the Special Issue on Network Enablers for 6G Use Cases invites researchers to submit their original contributions leveraging transformational methods, techniques, and platforms to advance state-of-the-art and address open issues and challenges from the standpoint of networking in the realization of 6G Use Cases. Topics of interest include but are not limited to:
Submission Guidelines Manuscripts should conform to the standard format indicated in the Manuscript Submission Guidelines on the IEEE Networking Letters website. Please, check these guidelines carefully before submitting since submissions not complying with them will be administratively rejected without review. All manuscripts to be considered for publication must be submitted by the deadline through the Author Portal. Select the “SI:6G” topic from the drop-down menu at the time of submission. Important Dates
Guest Editors
“R&I Goals and Opportunities for Micro-Electronics in 6G Networks” WebinarOnline event – December 15 |
The 6G-IA, together with AENEAS, is organising the webinar R&I Goals and Opportunities for Micro-Electronics in 6G Networks on December 15, 10:00 am – 11:15 am CET.
Information on the event, the agenda and the registration form are available at
18th Wireless On-demand Network systems and Services Conference (WONS) 2023Madonna di Campiglio, Italy – January 30-Feb. 1st, 2023 |
The 18th Wireless On-demand Network systems and Services Conference (WONS) 2023 will be held on 30th January – 1st February 2023 in Madonna di Campiglio, Italy. This announcement solicits original contributions of high-quality research providing novel insights on all aspects of wireless on-demand networks and systems. See more details here. Important dates
ETSI Research Conference: Maximizing the Impact of European 6G Research through StandardizationETSI Headquarters, Sophia Antipolis, France – February 6 – February 8 |
The ETSI Research Conference will take place on the 6th to the 8th of February 2023 in ETSI Headquarters, Sophia Antipolis, France. This face-to-face event provides an exceptional opportunity for the research community to come together with industry representatives and standardization experts to discuss future technology research and links to standardization developments. Maximizing the Impact of European 6G Research through Standardization At the beginning of 2023, the Smart Networks and Services Joint Undertaking (SNS JU) will launch the first phase of 5G / 6G research projects, many of which will play a crucial role in the definition of next generation networks. The ETSI Research Conference will provide the perfect platform for these new projects to present their purpose and plans and exchange with the standards experts on their standardization roadmaps. In addition, the ETSI Research Conference will provide guidance to researchers on how to get involved in standardization, present success stories and examples of research being integrated into standards, as well as indications from the standards community as to where they would seek research input to help move next generation standardization forward. It is intended to make the event a fully interactive exchange between researchers, projects, industry and standards experts, with an overall objective of increasing visibility of European research initiatives and accelerating the journey from innovation / research, standards and on to global market deployments. The event will also include poster sessions presenting several of the new SNS JU projects. By attending the event:
The agenda should be available early December. The event is open to all upon registration. Registration will open shortly.
Members of the Programme Committee:
Venue: ETSI Headquarters Tel: +33 4 92 94 42 00 Information about the venue, travel, visa, and accommodation is available here. |
MWC, or Mobile World Congress, is the most significant international summit of the mobile connectivity industry in Barcelona. MWC 2023 dates are scheduled for 27th February to 2nd March at Fira Barcelona Gran Via. After the unprecedented success of the previous edition held in hybrid format, the expectations are set high for MCW 2023. Over 61 000 attendees from 168 countries will gather in Barcelona to explore the latest trendsetting connectivity technology, foster valuable B2B connections and gain insight into the solutions to the current challenges to cross-industry connectivity. Exhibiting companies come from various backgrounds, on the forefront are influential tech and mobile providers, supplemented by device manufacturers, vendors, and content owners. The exhibition is arranged through Digital planet, Company Spotlights, Industry City sections giving each influential player in the telecom ecosystem maximum exposure prospects. Experts, keynotes researchers will grace the stage at MWC 2023, headlining forums, conference sessions and speeches bringing valuable insight into all aspects of connectivity and digital media. The MWC dynamic display is followed up with valuable networking and informative events on 5G Connect, Advancing AI, CloudNet and other essential topics. “In a fast-changing innovation landscape, there’s only one place to keep pace and turn radical disruption into radical growth. So, join us at the world’s largest and most influential event for the connectivity industry.MWC Barcelona is where the three vital forces in our industry converge: technology, community and commerce.It’s where 5G connects with global affairs. Industry connects with immersive technology. And small businesses connect with the giants of the tech.It’s also where you’ll hear the most important debates of the year, generate 12 months of leads in just four days, and help shape a better tomorrow.Velocity will focus on accelerating growth, relationships and positive change”. |
IEEE International Conference on Communications: Sustainable Communications for RenaissanceRome, Italy – May 28 – June 1st |
This year IEEE ICC 2023 will focus on “Sustainable Communications for Renaissance“. The event will feature a comprehensive high-quality technical program including 13 symposia and a variety of tutorials and workshops. IEEE ICC 2023 will also include an attractive industry program aimed at practitioners, with keynotes and panels from prominent research, industry and government leaders, business and industry panels, and technological exhibits. IEEE ICC 2023 conference will be held in person 28 May – 01 June 2023, in Rome, Italy. Those authors which will not be allowed to travel abroad by strict national rules in force at the time of the conference will be given the opportunity to present their accepted work remotely. IEEE ICC is one of two IEEE Communications Society’s flagship conferences (ICC and Globecom). Each year, close to 2,000 attendees from over 70 countries attend IEEE ICC to take advantage of a program which consists of the exciting keynote session, robust technical paper sessions, innovative tutorials and workshops, and engaging industry sessions. This 5-day event is known for bringing together audiences from both industry and academia to learn about the latest research and innovations in communications and networking technology, share ideas and best practices, and collaborate on future projects. ABOUT IEEE COMMUNICATIONS SOCIETY (COMSOC) Founded in 1952 as the Institute of Radio Engineers (IRE) Professional Group on Communication Systems (PGCS), today’s IEEE Communications Society (IEEE ComSoc) has evolved to include a diverse group of global industry professionals dedicated to advancing all communication technologies and the improvement of the world around them. An independent Society of Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) since 1972, IEEE ComSoc has 200+ Chapters in 142 countries and over 24,000 members around the world in communications technology and information networking. For information, go to ABOUT INSTITUTE OF ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS ENGINEERS (IEEE) IEEE is the world’s largest technical professional organization dedicated to advancing technology for the benefit of humanity. Through its highly cited publications, conferences, technology standards, and professional and educational activities, IEEE is the trusted voice in a wide variety of areas ranging from aerospace systems, computers, and telecommunications to biomedical engineering, electric power, and consumer electronics. Learn more at IMPORTANT DATES
The 2023 EuCNC & 6G Summit builds on putting together two successful conferences in the area of telecommunications: EuCNC (European Conference on Networks and Communications), supported by the European Commission, and the 6G Summit, originated from the 6G Flagship programme in Finland, one of the very first in its area. The conference is sponsored by the IEEE Communications Society and by the European Association for Signal Processing, and focuses on all aspects of telecommunications ranging from 5G deployment and mobile IoT to 6G exploration and future communications systems and networks, including experimentation and testbeds, and applications and services. It brings together cutting-edge research and world-renown industries and businesses, globally attracting in the last years more than 1 300 delegates from more than 40 countries all over the world, to present and discuss the latest results, and an exhibition with more than 70 exhibitors, for demonstrating the technology developed in the area, namely within research projects from EU R&I programmes. The conference has a not-for-profit organisation, hence, registration fees are as low as possible and all surplus will be made available in grants. Best Papers and Booth Awards will be granted. Accepted and presented papers for regular sessions will be published in the Conference Proceedings and submitted to IEEE Xplore and other Abstracting and Indexing (A&I) databases. Accepted and presented papers for regular sessions will be published in the Conference Proceedings and submitted to IEEE Xplore and other Abstracting and Indexing (A&I) databases. The conference is organised by the Coordination and Support Action EuConNeCts 4, Project H2020-ICT-2018-3-856 641. The Swedish Exhibition & Congress Centre (Mässans Gata/Korsvägen, 412 94 Göteborg, 20 minutes from airport then airport bus and the first stop is Korsvägen, which is located directly outside the Swedish Exhibition Center) in Gothenburg is the Scandinavian centre for exhibitions, conferences and meetings. The extensive premises and all the experienced personnel ensure each event runs like clockwork providing an enjoyable and memorable experience to anyone visiting. |
The editor of the 5G PPP newsflash on behalf of the 6GStart Project is Carole Manero, IDATE, 601 rue Georges Méliès, 34000 Montpellier, France.
This document reflects only the views of its authors.