6G Architecture Landscape – European Perspective |
A white paper from the 5G Architecture Working Group This white paper published in February 2023 summarizes the main findings from the European research landscape on the vision of the 6G architecture. Such a design vision is derived from around 45 projects starting from October 2020 in all relevant areas of 5G while paving the way towards 6G, within the 5G Public Private-Partnership (5G PPP) in the scope of the European Framework for Research and Innovation (the list of contributing projects can be obtained from the 5G PPP website at https://5g-ppp.eu/5g-ppp-phase-3-projects/.). At present, the European networking research community has started a new program along with 33 projects on the Smart Networks and Service (SNS) programme that will focus on 5G advanced and 6G. The 5G/B5G Architecture Working Group (WG), as part of the 5G PPP Initiative, is identifying and capturing novel trends and key technological enablers for the realization of the 5G and 6G architecture. The main findings and results of the Architecture WG are now captured in this white paper, which presents a consolidated view from European perspective on the technical directions for the architecture design in the 6G era. Download the white paper here. |
The European Commission presents new initiatives with Gigabit Infrastructure Act Proposal |
![]() On 23 February, the European Commission presented a set of actions aimed to make Gigabit connectivity available to all citizens and businesses across the EU by 2030. The initiatives keep in line with the objectives of Europe’s Digital Decade, and to enable the transformation of the connectivity sector in the EU. They consist of:
EU support to rural revitalisation through broadband roll-out and smart solutions |
![]() High-speed broadband and smart solutions are important for the revitalisation of many rural areas. This article explores how the EU supports this, particularly through initiatives such as the European Broadband Competence Offices Network, Smart Rural 21 and Smart Villages, as well as with a range of funding instruments and targeted policies. Such initiatives are not only crucial for the renewal of rural communities, and their long-term vitality and resilience. They also result in far-reaching impact and transformation beyond their communities, for their countries and for Europe as a whole. Based on this, the concept of Smart Villages is an approach that seeks to mobilise sustainable and community-led development through innovative solutions in a holistic manner, by leveraging different types of social, economic and environmental interventions across economic sectors. Smart Rural 21 is an EU initiative, now entering its second phase as Smart Rural 27, encouraging the development and implementation of Smart Village approaches and strategies in 17 rural communities across Europe in its initial phase (2020-2022). A number of successful initiatives have been implemented as a result, ranging across community engagement spaces and tools, regenerative agriculture, improvement of basic services through digitalisation, smart mobility, smart tourism and youth engagement. Information on examples showcased during the project’s final conference are available on the EC website. |
New edition of 5G PPP stakeholders pictures and glossary |
![]() The latest revision was from April 2020. It did not consider most of the 5G PPP Phase 3 projects, nor the evolving 5G context and the transition to SNS. Another novelty of those new pictures, and the accompanying glossary, is that the pictures are now split into three: the “5G PPP provisioning ecosystem” includes all stakeholders involved in technological development around 5G and beyond; the “5G PPP user ecosystem” includes all stakeholders who are using 5G technologies; and, finally, “5G PPP ecosystem interactions” shows all stakeholders who facilitate the interactions between developers and users. This will be the final 5G PPP revision. The next revision will look into SNS and will be performed by the SNS OPS CSA, in due time. Links to the documents : |
Concertation and Consultation on Computing Continuum: From Cloud to Edge to IoTThe Claridge, Brussels, Belgium – May 10-11, 2023 |
Scope of the EventThe blurring barriers between Cloud and Edge computing are giving birth to a computing continuum where services and data must be managed and secured efficiently. Especially with new trends like the Metaverse, the demand for (hybrid) cloud computing services and edge computing is expected to skyrocket. As recent studies suggest, new data processing needs are appearing at the edge. This is not only for reducing latency but also to ensure data availability and privacy protection. Running and managing data analytics and AI where it is more efficient and effective is to be supported in the Cloud-Edge-IOT continuum. Advancing the IoT can avoid skyrocketing communication and storage costs, energy consumption and produce benefits for citizens and businesses thanks to the integration of AI and Machine Learning. In addition, an open ecosystem built around Open Source and Open Standards is key to unleashing the potential of the European industry in driving green and digital transformation while preserving EU strategic autonomy. Software defined infrastructures based on Open Source and Open Standards will support the next step in the Cloud-Edge-IOT continuum while preventing lock-in and favouring a competitive economy for the benefit of EU citizens. These trends have called for a shift towards the technical and business convergence of the so-far formally separated Cloud, Edge and IoT domains, towards an open Cloud, Edge and IoT Computing Continuum. In the recent years, the European community of researchers and innovators at work on the next generation Cloud, Edge and IoT computing has been growing in relevance, diversity and impact. For Europe to ensure its technological sovereignty and ground the vision of a computing continuum as the backbone of an open and inclusive society, it is necessary to overcome fragmentation, bring together organisations and individuals from different communities and leverage Open Source. The Concertation and Consultation on Computing Continuum: From Cloud to Edge to IoT meeting is a 2-day physical event organised within the context of the European, Cloud, Edge and IoT Continuum initiative by the OpenContinuum consortium in close collaboration with the UNLOCK-CEI and SW Forum projects and guided by the European Commission DG CNECT E.2 and E.4 Units. Structure of the DaysThe first day of the event will be concertation oriented. The invited Horizon Europe RIAs which started in 2023 will have the opportunity to pitch their projects and introduce the plans for the future, while the more mature Horizon 2020 projects and the Horizon Europe projects started in 2022 will discuss their assets, and share lessons learned and success stories. In fact, it will be an important opportunity for the H2020 projects to further exploit and handover their results to the new RIAs, who will have a greater picture of the work they can build upon. CSAs such as EU-IoT, SW Forum and HUB4CLOUD will also demonstrate the accomplishments of the projects they have supported. There will be plenty of opportunities for networking including a cocktail dinner, and, in addition, the EUCloudEdgeIoT Cooperation Mechanisms (task forces) will be discussed. The second day will shift to a consultation, with the goal to bring forward thinking for the next Horizon Europe Work Programme (2025-2027). Through a Call for Expressions of Interest with new trends, vision and tracks for research, a panel of Experts* will select the best short papers to be presented at the event. The call is open to any interested party, from academic researchers to industrial players, funded EC projects, policy makers and SMEs. Research roadmaps will also be presented by initiatives such as SW Forum, HiPEAC, Gaia-X, Cloud Alliance, NESSI, AIOTI. Finally, there will be time to award the best pitches and posters from the first day. *A delegation of experts from research initiatives such as SW Forum, AIOTI, GAIA-X HiPEAC, Cloud-Alliance, NESSI will be invited to join an Expert panel for the 2 days. |
5GMETA Second HackathonLisbon, Portugal – 22-23 May, 2023 |
5GMETA is organising the project’s Second Hackathon on 22-23 May in Lisbon. A call has been launched for innovators and pioneers to come together during this year’s ITS European Congress and, under the guidance of 5GMETA experts and selected mentors, take up the challenge to develop new business models leveraging the 5GMETA Platform. The ChallengesThe 5GMETA Consortium has conceived three main challenges for the Hackathon participants to respond to. They will focus on developing innovative solutions for the comfort and safety of road users, imagining the roads and mobility of the future, and creating user-centric solutions. Challenge #1 – Comfort and safety of road users
Challenge #2 – Roads and mobility of the future
Challenge #3 – User-centric services
The Second Hackathon to boost mobility data at the ITS European Congress The Second Hackathon offers a great opportunity to be among the forerunners to discover the innovative 5GMETA Platform and its features. The ITS European Congress 2023, which brings together all of the sector’s key target groups, is the ideal occasion for innovators, start-ups, developers and all interested parties to develop new business and technical ideas by exploiting the innovative 5GMETA Platform, which includes functions for data management, data monetization and cybersecurity. The Road to Lisbon webinar series, which will run prior to the event, will provide interested parties with technical information and details on the Platform and on what to expect from the Second Hackathon. Check all the information on 5GMETA website. 5GMETA Hackathon participants will have the opportunity to enter the Congress premises for free! Secure your spot and join 5GMETA in Lisbon.
More information and event’s agenda is available on 5GMETA website. |
IEEE ICC: Sustainable Communications for RenaissanceRome, Italy – May 28 – June 1, 2023 |
This year IEEE ICC 2023 will focus on “Sustainable Communications for Renaissance“. The event will feature a comprehensive high-quality technical program including 13 symposia and a variety of tutorials and workshops. IEEE ICC 2023 will also include an attractive industry program aimed at practitioners, with keynotes and panels from prominent research, industry and government leaders, business and industry panels, and technological exhibits. IEEE ICC 2023 conference will be held in person from 28 May to 1 June 2023, in Rome, Italy. Those authors which will not be allowed to travel abroad by strict national rules in force at the time of the conference will be given the opportunity to present their accepted work remotely. IEEE ICC is one of two IEEE Communications Society’s flagship conferences (ICC and Globecom). Each year, close to 2,000 attendees from over 70 countries attend IEEE ICC to take advantage of a program which consists of the exciting keynote session, robust technical paper sessions, innovative tutorials and workshops, and engaging industry sessions. This 5-day event is known for bringing together audiences from both industry and academia to learn about the latest research and innovations in communications and networking technology, share ideas and best practices, and collaborate on future projects. IMPORTANT DATES
“AI/ML-driven Autonomous 6G Networks” WorkshopRome, Italy – May 29, 2023 @4:15 pm CEST |
6G-IA organises a Workshop on “AI/ML-driven Autonomous 6G networks” that will take place in the prestigious IEEE ICC’23 conference in Rome, on Monday May 29th, 2023, from 16.15 to 18.00. The selected projects, the title of their presentations and the speakers are as follows:
The workshop will be moderated by Alex Kaloxylos – Executive Director of the 6G Smart Networks and Services Industry Association (6G-IA). |
1st IEEE ICASSP Signal and Data Processing for Next Generation Satellites (SDP-NGS) workshopRhodes Island, Greece. – June 4 – 9, 2023 |
You’re invited to submit your recent and original work on topics related to signal processing for satellite communications to the 1st IEEE ICASSP Signal and Data Processing for Next Generation Satellites (SDP-NGS) workshop, 4 – 9 June, to take place at the beautiful Rhodes Island, Greece. Summary So far, the developments in the New Space era have focused on achieving efficient broadband connectivity for fixed mobile terminals through low Earth orbit (LEO) satellites. However, recent advances in communications technology and standardization, backed up by important industrial industry players, have opened the door for advanced direct mobile-to-satellite connectivity scenarios that include global broadband, Internet of Things (IoT), and emergency applications. The developments towards these ambitious goals must be supported by exhaustive research activities in signal processing for satellite communications, ranging from physical layer designs to satellite mission definition. Breakthroughs in these areas will unleash significantly higher data rates, a seamless integration with the terrestrial networks, and an economically sustainable infrastructure. This workshop aims to fill the gap between the identification of current signal processing challenges faced by the space industry and researchers. Thus, we aim to have a comprehensive set of technical activities embracing numerous aspects including:
Please refer to the submission guidelines available in the workshop webpage: https://sdpngs2023.cttc.es/ and also at the ICASSP conference main page: https://2023.ieeeicassp.org/ Important dates:
Workshop Camera Ready Paper Deadline: 28 April 2023 |
2023 EuCNC & 6G SummitGothenburg, Sweden – June 6 – 9, 2023 |
The 2023 EuCNC & 6G Summit builds on putting together two successful conferences in the area of telecommunications: EuCNC (European Conference on Networks and Communications), supported by the European Commission, and the 6G Summit, originated from the 6G Flagship programme in Finland, one of the very first in its area. The conference is sponsored by the IEEE Communications Society and by the European Association for Signal Processing, and focuses on all aspects of telecommunications ranging from 5G deployment and mobile IoT to 6G exploration and future communications systems and networks, including experimentation and testbeds, and applications and services. It brings together cutting-edge research and world-renown industries and businesses, globally attracting in the last years more than 1 300 delegates from more than 40 countries all over the world, to present and discuss the latest results, and an exhibition with more than 70 exhibitors, for demonstrating the technology developed in the area, namely within research projects from EU R&I programmes. Best Papers and Booth Awards will be granted. Accepted and presented papers for regular sessions will be published in the Conference Proceedings and submitted to IEEE Xplore and other Abstracting and Indexing (A&I) databases. Accepted and presented papers for regular sessions will be published in the Conference Proceedings and submitted to IEEE Xplore and other Abstracting and Indexing (A&I) databases. The event will be an excellent opportunity for 5G PPP and 6G SNS projects to disseminate main achievements and results and provide presentations to the audience through Papers, Workshops… The conference is organised by the Coordination and Support Action EuConNeCts 4, Project H2020-ICT-2018-3-856 641. |
IEEE International Conference on Network Softwarization 2023 – Call for PapersMadrid, Spain – June 13 – 23, 2023 |
Call for Papers – IEEE NetSoft 2023 The 9th IEEE International Conference on Network Softwarization “Boosting Future Networks through Advanced Softwarization” – June 19 – 23, 2023, Madrid, Spain Important Dates
Aims and Scope IEEE NetSoft, the premier International Conference on Network Softwarization, addresses the advanced research challenges and opportunities raised by the overall transformation trend of network “softwarization”, which has been revolutionizing the networking field and has accelerated its convergence with adjacent industries. Network Softwarization refers to the transition of traditional network infrastructure and functionalities, provided via hardware appliances developed by equipment and service vendors, to new ones that have been propelled over the last 15 years by the maturity of widespread technologies such as network function virtualization, software-defined networking, and service function chaining. In particular, the ability to program, manage and operate network and service infrastructures more freely makes it possible to reinvent network and cloud architectures, customize services, accelerate service deployment, and facilitate greater operational efficiencies with guarantees. The need for further advances in these topics is reflected in the overall theme of NetSoft 2023: Boosting Future Networks through Advanced Softwarization. NetSoft 2023 will feature technical paper presentations, keynotes, tutorials, workshops, demos, and exhibitions from world-leading experts representing service providers, vendors, research institutes, open source projects, and academia. This year, a PhD symposium will also be initiated. Topics of NetSoft 2023 The conference is soliciting paper submissions with significant research contributions to the field of network softwarization. The topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
Submission Guidelines Prospective authors are invited to submit high-quality original technical papers for presentation at the conference and publication in the NetSoft 2023 Proceedings. All submissions must be written in English and must use standard IEEE two-column conference template that can be downloaded from https://www.ieee.org/conferences/publishing/templates.html Technical Papers can be of two types: Full or Short papers, up to 9 and 5 pages respectively, including references and all other material. If accepted, a paper will be published in the category (long/short) of its submission. Long papers are the more traditional form to present technical work. Long papers should emphasize not only novelty and vision, but execution and thoroughness of the contribution (design, evaluation). Short papers are the preferred vehicle for visionary papers or traditional technical papers whose description fits within a smaller number of pages. Short papers may not yet be ‘fully baked’ in terms of execution and evaluation. In both Full and Short papers, author names and affiliations should be included after the title, as provided in the templates. Papers submitted should describe original, previously unpublished research results, not currently under review by another conference or journal. Papers not meeting the length and formatting requirements or violating IEEE’s guidelines on plagiarized content will be rejected without review. All other submitted papers will be reviewed. Selected papers for NetSoft 2023 may be conditionally accepted and subjected to shepherding before final acceptance. Only PDF files will be accepted for the review process and all manuscripts must be electronically submitted through EDAS: https://edas.info/N30268 Important: NetSoft 2023 is enforcing a strict publication and no-show policy as stated by IEEE. By submitting a contribution, you agree with the terms of the publication and no-show policy as mentioned in https://netsoft2023.ieee-netsoft.org/authors/publication-and-no-show-policy TPC Co-Chairs
General Co-Chairs
IWAPS workshop in the Context of ARES 2023Benevento, Italy – August 29 – September 1st, 2023 |
The “3rd International Workshop on Advances on Privacy Preserving Technologies and Solutions” IWAPS 2023, will happen in the context of ARES 2023. The 2023 IWAPS will bring together researchers, engineers, and practitioners to present and discuss latest advances and innovations in theories, infrastructure, schemes, and applications for secure computation, privacy technologies, security economics, human computer interaction, as well as to identify emerging research topics and define the future trends. The ARES conference will take place in Benevento, Italy during August 29 – September 01, 2023 period. The Call for Papers deadline is on 31st of May. You may learn all the related information here.
The workshop is co-organized from the following European Commission (Horizon 2020 Programme) projects: SECONDO |
2nd TeraFlowSDN HackfestMadrid, Spain – 20-21 June, 2023 |
Overview: ETSI’s Centre for Testing and Interoperability and the TeraFlowSDN community are organizing the 2nd TFS Hackfest on 20-21 June 2023. The event will be held during the IEEE NetSoft Conference in Madrid, Spain. Participation in ETSI Hackfests is free and open to all upon registration, you are most welcome to extend this invitation to your colleagues and partners. Registration to NetSoft2023 is encouraged, but not mandatory.
Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Campus Madrid – Puerta de Toledo Ronda de Toledo, 1 – 28005 Madrid More details at: Venue & Accommodation
The event will take the form of a competition with the objective of integrating ETSI TeraFlowSDN Controller Release 2 with the ContainerLab environment. ContainerLab is an environment that enables deploying versatile lab network topologies where each node can run a containerized Network Operating System, allowing to establish and test connectivity services traversing the network devices. Participants will be grouped in teams and each team will collaborate to complete the following list of challenges (tentative):
Each team is expected to focus on a specific ContainerLab network device kind, e.g., IPInfusion OcNOS, Nokia SR Linux, SONiC, etc. Some ETSI TFS experts will be around to help you and resolve your questions during the hacking sessions. NOTE: It is under study the possibility of involving P4 in the challenge through SONiC (To Be Decided).
Agenda (Tentative): Tuesday 20 June 2023
Wednesday 21 June 2023
Get involved in ETSI TeraFlowSDN
Please send your technical questions to TFS_TECH@list.etsi.org or join the TFS Community Slack Workspace Questions about ETSI, joining TFS, this Hackfest and future events can be sent to: TFSsupport@etsi.org |
IEEE IDAACS 2023 Workshop “Beyond 5G and 6G Networks Technologies and Security”Dortmund, Germany – 7-9 September, 2023 |
You are invited to 12th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Data Acquisition and Advanced Computing Systems: Technology and Applications 2023 and the workshop “Beyond 5G and 6G Networks Technologies and Security”. This Workshop will cover the innovative technologies that have been studied in various research projects as well as standardized by 3GPP in Rel 16 and Rel 17. The Workshop will encourage the submission of papers studying the status of beyond 5G and 6G networks research and commercial deployment of 5G networks in order to assess how this relates to the current 6G vision. Please click here for more information and for the invitation.
Deadline for paper submission: May 2, 2023
Main topics at this event will be:
6G-IA Full members Call for papers – 9th IEEE World Forum on the Internet of Things (WF-IoT 2023)Online event – 12-27 October, 2023 |
The 9th IEEE World Forum on the Internet of Things (WF-IoT 2023) seeks submissions and proposals for original technical papers and presentations that address the Internet of Things (IoT), its theoretical and technological building blocks, the applications that drive the growth and evolution of IoT, operational considerations, experimentation, experiences from deployments, and the impacts of IoT on consumers, the research community, the public sector, and commercial verticals. The theme for WFIoT2023 is “The Blue Planet: A Marriage of Sea and Space”, encouraging the submissions of content aimed at exploring how IoT technologies, applications, and solutions relying on a wide ecosystem spanning space, aerial, ground, and maritime networks and harnessing the latest emerging technological trends can be leveraged for the benefit of society and humanity. Papers should address, but are not limited to, the following high-level topics: Application and Use Cases
Paper submissions for Peer-Reviewed Technical Papers are due on 18 June 2023. All accepted Peer-Reviewed Technical Papers will be included in the proceedings (IEEE Xplore). For more information, visit the IEEE WF-IoT 2023 Website: wfiot2023.iot.ieee.org
TECHNICAL PROGRAM COMMITTEE CO-CHAIRS Professor Augusto Casaca, INESC-ID/ INESC INOV, Lisboa, Portugal Assoc. Professor Ahmed Abdelgawad, Central Michigan University, Mount Pleasant Michigan, USA Professor James Bellingham, Director, Institute for Assured Autonomy, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD USA: Professor Tony Q.S. Quek, Singapore University of Technology and Design, Singapore GENERAL CO-CHAIRS Rui Aguiar, Head of Networks and Services, Instituto de Telecomunication/Universidade de Aveiro, Aveiro, Portugal. Adam Drobot, Chairman, OpenTechWorks Inc., Wayne PA, USA
The conference will be conducted virtually live online and in person in Aveiro, Portugal, in October 2023. For conference updates, please visit our website: https://wfiot2023.iot.ieee.org. |
The 2023 IEEE GLOBECOM will be held at Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 4-8 December 2023. Themed “Intelligent Communications for Shared Prosperity,” the conference will offer five full days of original paper presentations, tutorials, workshops, industry program with keynotes and panels from prominent research, industry and government leaders, business and industry panels, and technological exhibits. In addition to exciting technical symposia, tutorials, industry panels and exhibitions, we solicit proposals for half-day or full-day workshops, to be held on 4 or 8 December 2023. The aim of the conference workshops is to emphasize emerging topics that are not specifically covered in the main symposia. Each workshop may include a mix of regular papers, invited presentations, keynotes and panels that encourage the participation of attendees in active discussion. Please address your questions to Workshop Program Co-Chairs Yacine Ghamri-Doudane, Guanyi Liu, Christos Verikoukis.
== Workshop Program Co-Chairs ==
== Recommended Outline of Proposals == The proposal should concisely and clearly describe the content and objectives of the workshop, and must include (maximum 5 pages):
Draft Call for Papers (max 1 page) A description of the publicity and promotion plan The workshop potential website address (if available at the time of the proposal – will be required later if the workshop proposal is accepted) If appropriate, a description of past versions of the workshop, including number of submitted and accepted papers, number of attendees, etc. == How to Submit Proposals == Workshop proposals should be submitted as a single PDF file online via EDAS here. Proposals that address exciting topics in creative formats that generate lively interactions among participants are highly encouraged. Examples include facilitating multi-disciplinary discussions across academicians, practitioners and policy makers leading to high impact and transformative research. Papers will be added to the IEEE GLOBECOM Conference Proceedings and submitted to IEEE Xplore. == Timeline ==
The editor of the 5G PPP newsflash on behalf of the 6GStart Project is Carole Manero, IDATE, 601 rue Georges Méliès, 34000 Montpellier, France.
This document reflects only the views of its authors.