This workshop was jointly organised by the European Commission and ITRI Taiwan, with assistance from the 5G-PPP, to present the themes and opportunities of the targeted opening the commission will have with Taiwan in the next 5G-PPP call.
The workshop gave a good insight to the 5G-related activities in Taiwan and ITRI presented their specific interests in relation to the call.
The total budget available for this call is 5 Million Euro under H2020 and an equivalent budget in Taiwan. Each project proposal should have a suitable mix of partners from both regions. Two reasonable sized projects could be anticipated from the available budget. Experts from both Europe and Taiwan will be involved in the review process for this opening.
The 45 participants then entered into a post presentations discussion with many 1 t0 1 discussions about potential collaborations.
The Euro-5G project offered to host a specific brokerage service page for this targeted opening from late Spring next year where proposal leaders and interested parties may find each other.