Strand interest: | S4, S3 | Pre-structuring Model Topic of interest | P16, P12, CSA |
Proposer: | Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME), Budapest, Hungary | ||
Scope of competence being offered: | BME is active in three major areas of research and innovation activities relevant to 5GPPP. First, BME offers hands-on expertize in Software-Defined Networking (SDN) with a focus on virtualization, end-to-end service programmability, fast prototyping, open-source solutions and live demonstrations. Second, BME has a strong track record in core networking research, especially in network infrastructure resilience (IP-level, multi-domain, optical, etc.) and routing (IP Fast ReRoute, multi-domain, router virtualization, etc.). Third, BME conducts research in the socio-economic aspects of networking with an emphasis on multi-stakeholder cooperation and competition scenarios, incentive-compatible mechanisms, and how technology impacts society.Accordingly, we have identified three specific activities in P16 we would like to contribute to.
Since a multi-domain/operator environment changes the playing field with regard to SLAs, we foresee that topic 2 could also be pursued in a research-oriented direction in P12. Furthermore, BME offers its competence in the socio-economic impact assessment of ICT (as demonstrated in leading the corresponding task in FP7 EARTH on energy efficiency) to be used at the 5GPPP level in CSA. Relevant recent projects FP7 UNIFY: Unifying Cloud and Carrier Networks. Unified programmability framework for the integrated control and management of cloud and network resources. GEANT OpenFlow competition: winner. Network resiliency in the transport layer with the help of OpenFlow and Multipath TCP. FP7 ALLEGRA@OpenLab: extending FIRE testbeds and tools. Winner of the first Open Call. Large-scale experiments on geo-location aware greedy routing architecture using OpenFlow. FP7 EARTH: Energy Aware Radio and neTwork tecHnologies. Leading the efforts on socio-economic impact assessment. FP6 AMBIENT NETWORKS: Instant negotiation of service agreements among cooperating market players Selected recent publications (related activity number in parentheses) (1)A. Csoma, B. Sonkoly, L. Csikor, F. Németh, A. Gulyás, W. Tavernier, S. Sahhaf, ESCAPE: Extensible Service ChAin Prototyping Environment using Mininet, Click, NETCONF and POX, ACM SIGCOMM 2014 Demo. (1,2)A. Csoma, B. Sonkoly, L. Csikor, F. Németh, A. Gulyás, D. Jocha, J. Elek, W. Tavernier, S. Sahhaf, Multi-layered service orchestration in a multi-domain network environment, EWSDN 2014 Demo. (1)P. Sköldström, B. Sonkoly, A. Gulyás, F. Németh, M. Kind, F. Westphal, W. John, J. Garay, E. Jacob, D. Jocha, J. Elek, R. Szabó, W. Tavernier, G. Agapiou, A. Manzalini, M. Rost, N. Sarrar, S. Schmid, Towards Unified Programmability of Cloud and Carrier Infrastructure, EWSDN 2014. (1) F. Németh, B. Sonkoly, L. Csikor, and A. Gulyás, A Large-Scale Multipath Playground for Experimenters and Early Adopters. ACM SIGCOMM Demo, 2013. (2) J. Tapolcai and G. Rétvári. Router virtualization for improving IP-level resilience. INFOCOM 2013. (1,2) F. Németh, B. Sonkoly, A. Gulyás, L. Csikor, J. Tapolcai, P. Babarczi, G. Rétvári, Improving resiliency and throughput of transport networks with OpenFlow and Multipath TCP: Demonstration of results over the Géant OpenFlow testbed, ONS Open Networking Summit 2013. (1) F. Németh, Á. Stipkovits, B. Sonkoly, A. Gulyás: Towards SmartFlow: Case Studies on Enhanced Programmable Forwarding in OpenFlow Switches, ACM SIGCOMM Demo, 2012. (CSA) G. Biczók (ed.), Economic and Ecological Impact of ICT, FP7 EARTH Deliverable D2.1, 2011. (CSA) A. Fehske, J. Malmodin, G. Biczok, G. Fettweis: The Global Footprint of Mobile Communications: the Ecological and Economic Perspective, IEEE Comm Mag, 49(8):55-62, August 2011. (3) G. Biczók, L. Toka, A. Gulyás, T. A. Trinh, A. Vidács, Incentivizing the global wireless village, Computer Networks, 55(2):439-456, Elsevier, February 2011. (3) D. Trossen, G. Biczok, Not paying the truck driver: differentiated pricing for the future internet. ReARCH ’10, 2010. (2) A. Császár, G. Enyedi, M. Hidell, G. Rétvári, and P. Sjödin. Converging the evolution of router architectures and IP networks. IEEE Network Magazine, Special Issue on Advances in Network Systems Architecture, 21(4):8-14, July 2007. |
Additional Resources Offered : | – Own feature-rich SDN testbed– Substantial SDN-related prototype implementation experience and community connections– Expertize in designing and presenting live demos at premier technical conferences (Open Networking Summit; ACM SIGCOMM, IEEE INFOCOM) | ||
Contact: | Gergely Biczók – biczok@tmit.bme.huCsaba Simon – simon@tmit.bme.hu |