In the 5G-HEART white paper released on March 31th, the main outcome, lessons learned, and recommendations on verticals considered (Within the project, a number of use cases were implemented and tested within the areas or remote support, advances diagnostics and remote monotoring in Health, Transportation, Aquaculture industries) from the project are presented. Overall, it was noticed that 5G technologies outperformed the 4G baseline, meeting most of the network requirements of the different vertical scenarios. The measured KPIs and test case parameters varied between the utilized test facilities, due to the different network and use case characteristics. Moreover, there were some configuration differences in the test networks due to the heterogeneous deployment and availability of 5G network components across the used facilities (4G, 5G-NSA, 5G-SA, commercial 5G). These differences highlight the heterogeneous nature of the requirements stemming from the different verticals towards the 5G networks. Finally, B5G/6G will provide cloud-computing capabilities within the radio access network (RAN) closer to the end users. Therefore, with the advent of this technology, which, among others, focuses on and encapsulates edge computing, the applications with lower latency requirements as well as higher device density (e.g. IoT) will benefit the most.
You can download the white paper here.
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