The 5G User event series has been driven by a subset of 3GPP Market Representation Partners (5G-IA, 5GAA, 5G-ACIA, PSCE) to ensure requirements from industry verticals feed into 5G standardisation by encouraging the community to embrace verticals, optimally capture end-user requirements and support contributions to the standardisation process. Starting in early 2019, the event series is an excellent example of how we can intensify joint efforts across the ecosystem, working towards convergence on global standardisation.
This report spotlights the main outcomes and impacts of the events organised between May 2020 and June 2021, driven by stakeholder needs, encouraging consensus building across and between verticals. The events have largely focused on 3GPP releases, from relevant functionalities as a toolbox to create new services to opportunities to bring in new requirements.
Overall, the events have attracted a global audience across 50 countries, sharing multiple viewpoints from participants as part of an open, global dialogue.
We extend our thanks to all those embarking on this journey and look forward to continued engagement in the future.
Read the report here.
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