5G-TOURS (SmarT mObility, media and e-health for toURists and citizenS) is a 5G PPP Phase 3 Part 3 project (Grant number 856950). It started in June 2019 and will run for about three years to get the European 5G Vision of “5G empowering vertical industries” closer to deployment.
The goal of the project is to demonstrate the benefits of 5G technology in the pre-commercial environment for real users, tourists, citizens and patients by implementing 13 representative use cases in 3 different types of cities: Turin, the touristic city focused on media and broadcast use cases, Rennes, the safe city where e-health use cases will be demonstrated and Athens, the mobility-efficient city that brings 5G to users in motion. This video shows the most challenging and interesting use cases of the project.
5G-TOURS published its official cartoon. Have a look here.
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