Mobile World congress 2021 Barcelona

The 2020 edition of the MWC was cancelled due to the coronavirus pandemic. The next MWC is scheduled between the 28 of June and the 1st of July, 2021. The 2021 lead theme is “Connected […]

5GCroCo Lunchtime Webinar 8: SECURITY WITH MQTT V3.1.1

Online Event WEBINAR

Lunchtime Webinar Nr.8  Welcome to the 8th in a planned series of 5GCroco Lunchtime Webinars.  These webinars will address different aspects of the technical work of the 5GCroco project in detail with some time for […]

IEEE MeditCom 2021

The inaugural IEEE International Mediterranean Conference on Communications and Networking (MeditCom), a new annual conference of the IEEE Communications Society for the Mediterranean region. The event will be held on 7-10 September 2021, in Athens, […]

5GMediaHUB and 5G-EPICENTRE Workshop@IEEE MeditCom

5GMediaHUB and 5G-EPICENTRE are organising a joint workshop which will be held on Tuesday, 7 September, 10:30-12:15 EEST. The workshop is co-located with IEEE MeditCom, a hybrid conference taking place 7-10 September 2021 in Athens […]

5G-ACIA Workshop on “5G Services Operated by Industrial Applications”

Smart manufacturing will benefit strongly from the advanced communication capabilities of the 5G technology. 5G has major advantages on machine-type communication to fulfill the demanding requirements on low latency and very high reliability. In addition […]