COREnect Workshop “Hardware Enabling Technologies for 6G Networks”

Online event

Combining insights and expertise from the communication and microelectronics domain, the three expert groups will address three key areas and share their sector-specific views points on: a) Electronics for Trustworthy Communication (6G and beyond), b) […]

COREnect Panel “Components and Hardware on the Road to 6G”

Online event

COREnect is developing a cross-industry technology roadmap of core component and subsystem technologies for the evolution of 5G towards 6G. The strategic goal of the project is to help diversify and reduce European dependence on […]

5 PPP @ IEEE International Conference on Communications 2021

Jacques Magen, Full5G and Chair SME Working Group, Networld Europe, European Technology Platform will be a panelist for the B1: TECHNOLOGY ADOPTION AND INNOVATION PARTNERSHIPS on Monday 21 June - 10:50-12:10 UTC-4 chaired by Pierre […]

Workshop on Accountability and Liability for 5G and beyond – WAL5Gplus

This one-day workshop is organized by the Horizon 2020 project INSPIRE-5Gplus. It will bring together researchers and practitioners from several domains such as actuaries, jurists, researchers in networking and multi-agent systems to present existing challenges […]