The Irish eASSIST5G cluster has designed an innovative and evolutionary eHealth use case that will make a positive contribution to any existing 5G ICT-19 call for proposals.
This use case has been built from the lab-based H2020 SliceNet project (, and the eASSIST5G cluster is ready to prototype a number of telemedicine scenarios in clinical environments over emerging 5G networks. SliceNet demonstrated a verticals-oriented 5G network, focused on control of end-to-end ‘sliced’ services. Dedicated ‘slices’ of the network guarantee the quality of service (QoS) and experience (QoE) necessary for the delivery of eHealth services, such as emergency telemedicine.
eASSIST5G will ensure that valid, reliable ‘live feed’ patient information, is available to specialist clinicians at the time and place of need, improving healthcare and reducing healthcare costs across acute and community care settings. eASSIST5G brings earlier definitive and appropriate healthcare to the patient in a pre-hospital care environment rather than focusing solely on bringing the patient to point-of-care in hospital. eASSIST5G enables pre-hospital healthcare to be delivered in a more integrated and seamless manner.
eASSIST5G de-risks the use of new connected wearable video and augmented reality for hospitals and validates key clinical performance indicators (KPIs). The KPIs will demonstrate and validate patient, operational and economic benefits and enable upgrading of the clinical work processes for new empowered immersive technologies.
Healthcare expenditure has accelerated across Europe for the last decade to meet growing demands and all signs are that it will continue to do so. Healthcare professionals see the consumer boom in smartphones, with apps like facetime video and wearables devices. Healthcare professionals are seeking to obtain benefits from these devices in a professional format and context to improve operational capability in clinical work processes.
Cork Institute of Technology (CIT) is one of Ireland’s leading research-informed third-level institutions with a world class reputation for engaging with industry and enterprise. SIGMA (Software Innovation and Machine Intelligence Applications) is a CIT research group and is a leading proponent of the use of AI to address challenges in the connected eHealth and life sciences domain.