Bettair® is a Platform as a Service (PaaS) that permits, for the first time, to really map air pollution in cities on a previously unimaginable scale based on a large deployment of outstandingly accurate gas sensors by using an advanced post-processing algorithm. Bettair is a network of autonomous devices that are installed in streetlights (or in city furniture) in a dense matrix distanced between 0.5÷1 km allowing a highly spatial and temporal resolution. The nodes are incorporating: 4 electrochemical sensors to measure gases, an Optical Particle Counter to measure PMs, noise pollution and other ambient quality indicators. A complete front and back-end solution is provided to municipalities and an APP for the citizens. The technology has been tested in 8 European countries and in New York City. Please see:
Our platform (that will complement the traditional installed equipment) will perfectly assist cities to i) identify unknown pollution sources, ii) to assess the impact and effects of different environmental actions to identify the most effective ones, and iii) recommend specific local actions. This information will provide unique insights and will enable smarter and better decisions to mitigate air pollution in the short run. In the medium run, it is also a very powerful tool in order to define effective and appropriate urban plans for enhancing air quality taking into account all the information provided. Additionally, it will also permit cities to: identify and categorize zones per air quality, important for people with respiratory diseases, and runners; study the evolution of air pollution with the seasons and years; plan civil works on the most appropriate date and timetables and, last but not least, compare and identify the best urban topologies from an air pollution perspective. The possibilities are almost endless.
Bettair is a battery-powered solution, facilitating enormously the deployment of the platform.
Bettair Cities is a spin-off of Ateknea Solutions Europe SL ( a Spanish engineering company with international experience in electronics (hardware and firmware), telecommunications (Internet of Things - IoT, Machine-to-Machine – M2M, satellite communications, etc.), and intelligent computer science implementations (artificial intelligence techniques). We count on a team of 60 people. The spin-off has full access to Ateknea’s pool of over 42 engineers in electronics, telecommunication, computer science and mechanics. Please see: